Chapter 7: "What is this Feeling?"

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Timeskip to the next morning:

The alarm woke the girls up at 6:30 a.m. they changed chlothes and went downstaires.

M and B:"Good Morning; Mom"

S:"Good Morning, Girls"

M:"Where is Dad?"

S:"in the Bakery"

M:"Oh, ok"

B:"Yummy, Croissants"😋


S:"sit down girls "

Marinettes phone rings

M:"oh, i got a message", she lookes at her phone "its from Alya" 

Texting: with italic

Alya: Good Morning

Marinette: Good Morning Alya, Whats up ?

Alya: oh nothing ,what about you?

Marinette: Not much, we just woke up and eating breakfast, we will start in  30 mins

Alya: ok girl, see you in School

Marinette: bye, Alya

Alya: Byee

end of texting:

B:"So what did she say?"

M:"Oh, only Good Morning"

B:"Oh, ok, so Chloe texted me before and said that we will meet in the back of the school"


30 mins Later....they arrive at school

M and B:"Hey Guys"

AL:"Hey, girls"

N:"Hey, dudettes"


L:"Hey blueberries"

M and B:"Shut up, Luka"

M:"we told you, dont call us like that"

L:"Why?" "You call yourselves "The blueberry team"", said snickering

M and B: "Whatever"

AL:"Wait, you call yourselves the blueberry team??"

M:""yeah, sometimes, in games and stuff"

C:"is Luka in the team too?"

B:"No, he is more like a Mutant Bleuberry"said laughing

M:"I agree"said giggling

L:"heeyy"said acting offendedand crossing his arms

M:"what?", "Its true" said giggling


Adriens POV:

When we arreived at the school all the fangirls ran to us like every day, but i could not take my eyes from Marinette, she lookes so beautiful today. When i look at her i feel something, something that i never felt before. But i have to focus on that bet. I stared at her sicretly until i heard this gross nickname Lie-la gave me.


A."ughh,what do you want Lie-la"

L:"I wanted to remind you, of the Schools next month dance"

A:"uhhm, i didnt forget it"

L:"you should go with me, a hot guy like you cant go there with a nobody"

A:"And this is the reason, i did not invited you to the dance"

L:"ugh, whatever""lets go Sarah"

S:"Yeah,bye Felixkins"

F:"Eww, Gross"

A:"Lets go, bro they are waiting for us"

F:"yeah, lets go"

they go to the squad

F and A:"Hey"

N:"hey dudes"fistpumbs


M:"Hey, modelboys"




Felixes POV:

I couldnt help it but stare at Brigitte she looked so cute, wait what?. No no no FOCUS Felix FOCUS


AL:"look at Felixes face"

C:"He totaly likes Brigitte, this bet is Bullshit"

AL:"I totally agree, and i ship them"

C:"me too, we have to do something and bring them together, i think Brigitte likes him too but she wont admit it"

AL:"Operation Fegitte?"

C:"Oreration Fegitte"

Brigittes POV:

I heared Alya and Chloe whispering , but i didnt care, i saw Felix staring at me with his cute ocean blue eyes. Wait WHAT? NO FOCUS Brigitte you cant like this guy, he is a Play Boy remember? NO just NO.But he is kinda cute though.NO STOP it, you just rejekted him yesterday remember.WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!?

M:"Bri,are you ok?"


M:"You were spaced out"

B:"Oh, sorry"

M:"Is something wrong"


M:"ookeey, you sure?""you are acting weird"


M:"ok""Do you guys want to go to class?"

AL:"Its 7:48 a.m , we still have time"

A:"I will walk with you to class  "

M:"uhm, okay""see you later guys"


with Adrien and Marinette:

M:"Uhm, are you comming?"

A:"yeah, i have  to stand up first, couse i fell for you"


A:"What?""Its not my fault that i fell for you, you tripped me!"

M:"And he keeps going"

A:"what?""You dont like it, Princess?"

M:"Dont call me Princess"

A:"Why, Princess?"

M:"Ughh, whatever, i will walk alone"

A:"Wait, okay, i will stop it"


They walk to class and take their sits, two minutes later the others came in and Miss Mendeleiev started the lesson.

A/N: i will end this chapter here ,so send me comments becouse they help me know what you are thinking about my story,please 😉

i will update the next chapter soon

btw,thank you for the 190 Views

Byee, kittybugs 😸🐞

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