Someone I truly love...

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It was a dark and gloomy night. The only noise that could be heard was the rumbling of gravel. y/n began to open her eyes as her head felt heavy.

"Where am I," questioned y/n

y/n began to feel sharp movements then came to the realization that she was kidnapped.

The only thing she could remember was seeing Revy fighting some men in black suits then her vision went blank.

Y/n began to panic as she knew where they were taking her.

"Oh Lady y/n you're awake," said a man in a deep voice.


"Liam why are you here," I questioned.

"Well your Father has sent me to bring you back home," he replied.

"Don't call him my father, he's far from that," I replied.

I've been on my own for as long as I can remember . He's never dared to call or check up on me. But now all of a sudden he wants to see me, now that's just bull shit.

I had a feeling this was going to happen. Father would go to any extreme to get what he wanted.

"It would be more fitting if I called, you, Liam, my father," I said.

"Why Lady y/n I am flattered but I'm no such thing," he replied

Liam is my butler but he's been there for me more than my father ever has.

The car came to quick jolt as we arrived at the mansion


I walked in to see the place has not changed since me leaving.
The same old mirrors and musty rugs.

The only real reason I left this place was to truly find myself. As a noble, your whole life is basically mapped out for you.
I never had real friends growing up. We called each other friends but our parents were just there for the money and connections.

Once I left this house I was able to carve my own path. I was able to find someone I truly love, and make memories that would last a life time.

I approached my fathers room.

My father was sitting in his large chair with his walls covered by books.

"y/n it's so nice to see you again," said my father in a fake sweet voice

"What do you want," I replied getting straight to the point.

"Why, y/n it's been years since we've lasted talked, what's with this attitude.

" Father, stop with the act we've never talked seriously without starting an argument," I snapped back.

"Well, look at you. I knew letting you out of this mansion was a bad idea. Look at your attitude so unladylike," he hissed.

"Who ever said I wanted to act ladylike," I whispered back to not make the conversation stray to long.

"Well, I've called you here to tell you some great news," he grinned.

What is he up to now.

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