Part 39

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I don't know how but we end up on the ground with his carpet under me giving my knees carpet burns. He's behind me still penetrating with immense force, my hands are shaking on the table trying to keep myself up.

"Azriel.." this is probably the hundredth time I'm moaning his name as his hands on my shoulders pulling me back into him. I hang my head feeling my hair move in time with his thrusts. "Fuck fuck fuck!" I'm tapping out.

"Remember that you hate me," he grabs as handful of my ass "don't moan my name like a lover does."

"You thinking of me as a lover Azriel?"

"No." I chuckle at his fast reply. He leans towards me going in a little deeper and I feel his chest on my back and he places his hands by mine.

"It's pathetic how much you tried-" I pant "to replace me." My words don't please him and his thrust turn violent, maybe he agrees.

My insides heat up and my nipples harden at the breeze that's blowing as I'm jerked forward "Azriel.." I'm trying to warn him about my orgasm, I can feel it coming on completely strong and I don't know how to handle it.

My eyes shut as my whines turn needy and out of control. I hate him, I have to hate him, I have to keep hating- something smashes cutting my thoughts off. "Woah!" He catches me before I fall into the pile of shards.

He pulls me back standing and my legs are shaking in the air as I drip on myself and him "Are you hurt?" I shake my head no and feel him pull out "You came." I don't answer to that.

Of course I fucking came, he made me cum like four times already. I can still feel myself throbbing and I'm still visibly shaking, I'm given my shirt and shorts back and I put them on refusing his help.

I bury my head in my hands and feel the couch skin besides me "You're still shaking." He points out like I don't know "Let me give you aftercare."

"This doesn't change anything you know?" I over at him.

"After the hours I just put you through, you need it." We're not even talking about the same thing.

"I don't want anything else form you."

"It's aftercare, your body needs to calm down."

"I'm fine." We dwell in our silence and then I lean back onto the couch. What I need is sleep, I adjust myself so I can lay down with no issue then use his lap as a cushion. He doesn't say anything.

My leg twitches and I curse myself in my head, can I fucking not?

I cancel out everything, including him gently caressing my skin with his hands, and try shutting my eyes. I think I need to just sleep forever at this point.

I guess I was right, Azriel did want to pick up where we left off the last time we were in his bathroom. I guess in a way I know I wanted it too. I've been wanting-craving him for so long now.

Once I'm up, fed and dressed back in the maid outfit, Luke takes me back to the doctor's room and we wait to be let in before we walk in. Luke let's me in first and I walk in noticing this is the first medical room I was in.

"Sit on the bed please." I do as I'm told and I watch Luke shuffle form the door to the window, he pulls the curtain a side with a hand and looks out. "How do you feel?"

"Fine." I watch her approach me then she starts to do the regular doctor-ly check up on my, checking my heart rate, she does that thing where they warp something around your arm and make it tight. Then she checks my neck.

"So it was sex?" She steps back bringing up her clipboard.

"Excuse me?" My eyebrows knit together.

"I told the alpha to make sure whatever happened before you escaped should be completed and by the looks of it, it was sex." She's still writing. My eyes go to Luke, he's still looking outside. "Did you pee after?"

"I didn't get the chance, I was too tired."

"Are you hurt? Any glass anywhere?"

How much does this woman know? "No." I shake my head "I'm fine."

"Do you remember anything about the four days you went missing?" She turns and sits down, I shake my head "Any new details?" I shake my head, "No night terrors?"


"Can you tell me about the night your sister died?" I look up at her question. What is she my shrink? I don't have to answer to her at all, what do I owe her? "No?" I blink at her "Must have been quite the night.

"To witness something like that it can be the reason your not remembering four whole days." She just stares at me and I do the same. She writes something down. "Was it just you two? Did you have older or younger siblings?"

My eyes are on the ground, I let my nails dig into the palm of my hands as a stress reliever. "Do you remember what happened to the dress you were wearing?" There's a pause "Maddie, we have two hours worth of questioning, you have to give me something to work with."

I can't remember a thing. What part of that is so hard to understand? "What are you writing down?" I question.

"My observations." She reply's. "You mentioned you were tortured both mentally and physically, can you elaborate?" I look past her at Luke.

"I never mentioned that to you."

"No you didn't, but since you don't really tell me much I have to fish around for information else where." She jots something down and I watch her do so "Do I make you uncomfortable?"


"How so?"

"You're asking a suspicious amount of questions, about my past life specifically." She nods to my answer.

"Does that bother you?"

"Yes." A chuckle from the window echoes and I look up to Luke watching me. I'm glad one of us I having fun.

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