Chapter 1: Death and Stages 1 - 3

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Best read in dark mode

Life is funny, isn't it

You live, and then you die. There are no second chances for anyone but me. Although, I guess life could make exceptions for me. 

During the process of rebirth, one goes through 9 stages.

Stage 1: Old Memories

"Nee-chan, 私を守ることを約束し、母親が亡くなったときに私を世話してください。"



"Otoo-chan, что значит любовь?"

"это значит быть с кем-то навсегда, кто заботится о вас, даже если вы монстр."


"Okaa-chan, Otoo-chan, imoto, Otōto, わたしは、あなたを愛しています"



Stage 2: Your New Parents

Hokama Kuki  :

age - 34

birthday - April 1, 1987

occupation - Ceo of a support items company named  Moonpoint

quirk - shadow arms 

 <the user can create shadows surrounding their arms, giving them an extra boost of  strength, speed, and agility>

| drawback - arms start to get tired and may go limp. if the user keeps going, the arms will consume the user and use the user as a possessed body. |

height - 5'9

looks - 

looks - 

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