The dump.

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Chapter one

'Hello, and welcome to the news today with me, Ashton Kyle. You, are not from Galactica. You, are from down below, I mean, what news is there about a trash dump, haha! Come back when you rise. Until then. Look out for that bot behind you.'

'turn that off! You'll waste our only power source.' A stick thin 19 year old boy called greg limped over to the old cracked television.

'i'm sorry! I just, I... I hope that someday there might be news of a rising, then we could find it and float up, and live in the city of Galactica!' A small girl of about 13 turned round to face the boy.

'Look, Becca, we were brought to OB163 for a reason. God made the decision to put us here for a reason. He hates us! He despises of us! Thats why he put us here!.' He pulled his sleeve up to reveal the number '171' engraved on his wrist. 'smoking hot poker. You are so lucky you were born in the dumping age.'


In 3067, OB163 was perfect, well, for the rich people at least. about 1,000 population. All the weakest died in the global warming outbreak back on earth. Billions died from all the radiation, heat, freezing winters, life threatening summers. The few remaining survivors that were able to pay for transport were moved to OB163, a planet from a neighbouring galaxy, reachable in only 10 days in the few lighter-speed rockets that were available. Once the humans reached OB163, they kicked out life on the planet by travelling them into a black hole. It was all fine on OB163, until they realised 29 global warming survivors had reached OB163 by sneaking onto the lighter-speeds. They were all minors. The minors were labelled as slaves, and numbers engraved on their left wrists. Then came Dominey. A disease related with the constant touch of a hot poker combined with being stick-thin and having a weak body. Of course, this affected the slaves, and the slaves only. From this came the dumping age.

The dumping age. It was a catastophy. The torturing stopped, for about a day. Then, the richest man, so therefore the man with the most authority, as you might assume in OB163. He started to cut a circle. A circle around the busiest part of the city. He got every single builder in OB163 to drill and dig and dig and drill until the hole was built. The island raised above the rest off OB163. The island was named Galactica. Then, the dumping began. The slaves were picked up one by one and dumped off Galactica to prevent spreading Dominey. The disease made your bones weaker, they would get weaker and weaker until an opening appeared in one of the victims limbs. When this happened, the limb would become paralysed. Then one by one over time, the other limbs would do the same until they were all completely paralysed . So the slaves were hungry, weak, and hurt.

Now OB163 is just a polluted dumping ground for Galactica's waste and dead bodies. Oh. And home to the slaves. But once in every blue moon, something would happen, something that would give even the most diseased and weakest of former slaves a glimmer of hope, a rising. A small tunnel in which would allow up to two people to float up to the island of Galactica. On the way it would cure them of Dominey, and give them a bag full of gold, they would land anonymously of Galactica citizens as someone from OB163, and live there instead.


'Becca. Becca wake up.' The next morning, greg had woken up to the sound of birds. There were no birds on OB163, you would only hear them when something that wasn't trash flew down from Galactica.

'w..what? What is it.' Becca squinted her eyes at the reflection of Galactica in her television. 'birds.'

Becca's heart jumped in her chest. 'it must be a dead body then, its got to be. Gee we haven't had one of them in at least 5 years. Where were the noises, we need to get to the body before someone else does.'

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2021 ⏰

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