Babysitters and Bionic Houseparties

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"He's so cute." I cooed as my uncle Rubin placed my baby cousin in my arms. He was born about a month ago and my aunt and uncle wanted a few nights out without him so they needed a babysitter. I, of course, was asked to babysit for 20 bucks an hour. Score!

My uncle smiled as my aunt said, "He should be. I carried the bastard for 9 months, the least he could do is be cute."

I plastered on a fake smile and nodded as I also took the baby bag from him. Did she literally joke like that about her kid? To be honest, it's kind of funny but mean.

"Awe. I promise to take care of Luis with my life. Bye aunt Carol, uncle Rubin." I told them as they helped me with the door.

Since there's a very likely chance that I'm not going to be able to have kids, might as well at least try to see how it would have felt like.

Meet the right guy, fall in love, get married, have kids, watch them grow up normally...but that can't happen anytime soon. Why?

Because no matter how many guys hit on me, no matter how many times I fall in love over and over again with the same guy, no matter how many times I try to tell myself that there's this small part of my life that makes me normal, and no matter how many times I tell myself that there is a 20 percent chance that I can have kids I know that I'm just telling myself a lie. I'm never going to have the life I've always wanted.

And I'm almost okay with that.



"What is that?" Bree asked as I made my way down to the lab.

"This is Luis. I'm babysitting him for 20 bucks an hour for 2 to 3 days at least." I responded as we both high fived.

Suddenly the elevator to the lab opened and Chase walked in with a tablet in hand. He didn't look up at us until Bree asked me, "So who's kid is it Mia."

Chase immediately looked up and asked me slightly nervous/slightly relieved, "Yeah Mia. Who's kid is it?"

"He's my Uncle's. His name is Luis. I'm babysitting for 20 bucks an hour. Ain't he cute." I cooed as Luis gurgled agreeing with me.

Bree laughed, "Don't give him to Adam or Chase. I, for one, don't want to see this cute baby's face burned in a waffle iron. "

Chase was about to protest till Leo made his way down the lab and told us happily, "Good news, guys! My mom called from the hospital and said Big D is doing much better. He's gonna make it."



"Yep, soon he'll be back here making us all wish he was still unconscious." Leo told us with a sigh.

Bree resorted, "Hey, I really miss him. Although it has been nice having the hair spray all to myself."

Chase shook his head and corrected, "Actually, Adam's been using it, too. He's developing new hairstyles for his armpits. You wouldn't think it, but the ponytails are surprisingly cute."

Bree and I laughed as she said, "You know, we should have traded in Adam for one of Krane's bionic soldiers when we had the chance."

That's when all of our eyes widened to the size of saucers, "Oh, no. The soldiers. I was so worried about Mr. Davenport, I completely forgot about them."

"Relax, I'm sure they're fine. Now that the Triton app is deactivated, they're just normal teenagers. Normal teenagers roaming the streets with deadly bionic abilities...We need to find them." Leo concluded as we began to scramble till Adam came down and asked, "Find who?"

Lab rats: Royaly SuperWhere stories live. Discover now