Yes, go ahead?

4 1 0

Pitch black, except for

Your eyes feel sore, they sting, you're staring at it. Black and white lines move rapidly; black, now white! They greet, dance and part away, in an odd pattern. The weird box seems to contain them, and you can't help but feel an odd fixation towards the whole structure. You want to touch it, badly, with every fiber of your body. You reach for it, slowly, without a hurry. In your fingertips you feel a little shock, and an electric current cruises through your hand. Odd! Isn't it? I don't think I've ever felt something like this before. You move your hand and take the time to explore every inch of the window.

The matted rug is starting to make your legs itch, it's very rough to the touch, why would someone want this in their house? Red knees and legs, perhaps burned, hopefully not! What a horrible cream colour.

Who's there?

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