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And Mellohi entered his world once again

He finds himself sitting stiff.

The music flows smoothly in the background, yet the air is so tense.

Where a smile used to be, there was a frown and an empty gaze. The melody was no longer beautiful. It instead was an instrument to war.

And Mellohi said "Watch"

He is outside of his own mind.

He sees himself, and notices the years etched into his face like ink on parchment.

A letter that would never be read, and only to be known by someone who no longer existed.

And Mellohi said "Trust me"

Perhaps it was the boy who's missing.

Maybe it was the traitor to his home.

Or the reoccurring nightmare that everyone seemed to have.

And Mellohi said "We are here"

He fought so hard to hear this sweet melody again.

The air that was once joyous, now turned bleak.

He was gone.

And Mellohi said "You are written"

Always to be known, but never remembered.

The grief they feel isn't real.

The music flows through the air, entering his mind yet never seeming to be heard.

And Mellohi said "We will help you"

Memories flood back.

Bloodshed, war, explosions.

Campfires, stories, friends.

And Mellohi said "We are together"

A nation that was a burden too heavy for one man to carry.

A nation that was destroyed by its creator, it's brother, and it's enemy.

A nation that was built thrice, two too many times.

And Mellohi said "Think"

He lets himself move.

He lets himself learn.

He lets himself listen.

And Mellohi said "Remember"

Maybe if he didn't trust them.

Maybe if he was less vulnerable.

Maybe if he was stronger.

And Mellohi said "I surround you in warmth"

Maybe then he wouldn't have been trapped.

Maybe then he wouldn't be on the floor of a prison cell far too small for two people.

Maybe then, this nightmare wouldn't have ended with his blood on the walls and the hands of his enemy and his brother.

And Mellohi said "You are beautiful"

This beautiful music.

This loving feeling.

This euphoria.

And Mellohi said "I love you"

This is what makes peace.

This is what makes paradise.

This is what he seeks.

And Mellohi said "Wake up"

He inhales.

He hears the shallow sound of ones laughter, yet it is resting in the back of his mind as only one thing can be thought.

He's alive.

And they said together "This is what makes Mellohi"

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