"Until we're ready" -Smut, Fluff, Angst

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Pippa's POV: The whole cast was on the stage sitting on chairs. We were about to start a Ham4Ham. Ham4Ham is an event that the Hamilton Cast usually hosts before or after our Hamilton performance. We sing, dance, and entertain the crowd. Usually we would be outside of the theatre, but we had to change our Ham4Ham spot for the next week due to the food trucks complaining about the crowd that bundles up on 48th street as usual. This Ham4Ham was different though, we didn't know what to do for this one. We ran out of ideas. Usually we'd have the cast vote on what to do and it'd be something funny and stupid, but now all of us are clueless except.. Lin and Tommy. They keep whispering stuff and giving us weird smirks and stuff. I was almost sick of them to be honest, I just wanted to get this over with! Today hadn't been the best day for me. I flopped on helpless, take a break, and burn. You know what, words go in one ear and out the other. I stumbled on lines. I was so sick of today. I usually get all moody like this when I mess up, and I have every reason to.
"Alright, Alright, WHO IS READY FOR A HAM4HAM?!" Tommy exclaimed. The crowd went wild!  I swear it must have spooked half of the cast and woke up the other half. "Today is not a regular ham4ham!" Lin spoke into the microphone, "Today, me and Tommy decided that it would be best if we let YOU choose what we're going to be doing for today's Ham4Ham!"  The crowd bursted into joy and screams. Are you kidding me?! I whispered under my breath to Jasmine, "It makes us look like we're desperate." I said.  Jasmine nodded in agreement. She was my best friend. Sometimes I call her my "lady-crush" as a joke since so many of my friends accuse me of being lesbian. Yeah, so what I've kissed and slept with a couple of girls but overall I'm straight. At least, I think I am.  Lin started talking again, "We will be choosing one person from the crowd to pick a song based off the theme. The theme is....... Genderbend! So WHATEVER song you want in a genderbend, say it. I'll pick... you". He points to a teenager with ginger short hair and overalls with a green shirt on. "I'll pick. uh..Say no to this with ONLY a alexander genderbend." The young girl replied. Thinking about it, I now just realized that its between Renee and I to go be alexander in say no to this. This means I could possibly have a chance to kiss Jasmine. My face escalated to a bright red realizing it. At the corner of my eye can see anthony's face doing the opposite. He had this pissed off pale face, he was not having it today. The crowd let our their "oohs" and Lin nodded in agreement. "That's a great idea!"he said into the microphone. Jasmine was cheering on with crowd. Why was she excited? Did she not just hear that SHE, a straight woman with a boyfriend, would be having to makeout and give a lap dance to another woman who either played her older sister or her middle child sister.

Lin looked back at my red face and squinted at me. He handed Tommy the microphone so he could explain what was gonna happen for the Ham4Ham. Lin pointed at the door while squinting at me. I was confused, was he mad? We both quietly got off the stage while Tommy was explaining whats gonna happen. I walked outside leaving stares from the cast. 

Once we got outside he closed the door shut. He then began to smirk. I gave him a puzzled face. "Do you like Jasmine?" he asked. My face immediately went pale. How the fuck did he know?! My mind wanted to deny it but my mouth couldn't keep up with it.  I remained quiet. I thought about denying it again but I knew it was too late. It was obvious I did. If I didn't, I would've denied right away. " I thought so.." he responded from my facial expressions "You always sneak looks at her at rehearsal." He added. "Lin.. please don't tell anyone.. I love her but she thinks of me as a friend. She'll flip if I tell her I love her."  I said.  Lin smirked, "But I thought you were straight". "Lin, please.." I begged. He rolled his eyes, " okay... your secret is safe with me i guess. Now, we gotta ham4ham to do. By the way, you're being Alexander for say no to this. I hope you know your lines" He winked. What the hell?! I didn't agree on this..

Once we got back into the theatre I sat down in my chair on the stage while Lin was whispering things to Tommy. "Alright, according to Lin, Phillipa and jasmine will be doing say no to this!" Tommy said. The crowd cheered. "Yes!! We love  ourselves some Marliza!" Lin teased while looking at me. I was so pissed at him but I still tried to play along, laughing so no one would think I'm coming off as rude. "Okay you ready to start?" Tommy asked Jaz and I out of the microphone. "yep" Jasmine nodded. "Okay, cast clear out except them and Leslie. Lin, play music when they look ready." Lin nodded.

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