Loved you since middle school -(Fluff)

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Hey guys, as you can tell the title of this story is very different. ok so imagine the obc hamilcast but they're in middle school. THAT'S RIGHT. MIDDLE sCHOOL! So 6th graders are very immature and they try to act all buff and stuff. so try to think of the hamilcast all going to the same school at like 11 years old.

Phillipa's POV: I saw Anthony Ramos playing with his group of friends on the field. "Last one to touch this wall is Gay!" He said. Anthony is apparently the hottest 6th grader in school. He had like 6 girlfriends this school year, Henry VIII type of beat. Jasmine Cephas Jones was his current girlfriend of the month. I never get why they always used the "Gay" joke. Was there something wrong with being gay? I thought while sitting under a trees' shade. I wasn't very popular at school, I was invisible. I hate school and everyone here anyways, it's a hell chamber. Except for some cute 7th graders like Rafael Cascal or.. No! No! Jon Rua. No- Well you get the point. I wish I could be popular so I'd have all friends I wanted. I looked back over and from afar I saw someone laying down on the grass while Anthony and his friends crowded them. I squinted my eyes and saw Jasmine was the one laying down. Jasmine got up and pushed the dirt off of her knees as she glared at Anthony. "That's it! I'm breaking up with you! You can go hold hands with Carleigh anyways! I don't care!" she shouted while walking away from Anthony "I'll just go play with my new friend, uh..." she said while looking around until she saw me. Our eyes locked. "My new friend.. Phillipa!" She shouted while sitting next to me. I jumped a little cause of her powerful voice. What was even happening? Did Jasmine Cephas Jones just pick me, a practical stranger over her own boyfriend? I shouldn't feel special. Should I? Umm maybe I should start a conversation. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Yes and no." she pouted. "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked. "Well, yes because Anthony was annoying. He never listened to me, I was more than glad to get rid of him. But no because he pushed me over trying to win the race and he didn't even notice. I ended up hurting my knee." she said. I listened to her as best as I could so I could understand her and think of way to cheer up. An idea came to my mind. "Hold out your hand." I said. She closed her eyes and took her hand. I kissed it. She opened her eyes. "What was that for?" She blushed. "Because we're friends." I smiled. "Bestfriends." She replied.

~Two years later, same day~

Jasmine's POV: Today is the anniversary of my friendship with Pippa. Today was special. I told her to meet me outside at the park after school when no one would be there; the place where we first met. Pippa and I grew very close to each other so I feel like we should celebrate where it all started. Well, I really wanted to tell her why i was doing this. You see, I had the biggest crush on Phillipa ever since we met. It felt like magic. She lit me up inside. So now was the time to confess to her.

I led Pippa to the park blindfolded and sat her down by the tree. "Unfold." I said eagerly. She unfolded her mask and gasped. "The place where we first met!"She hugged me. Woah... did she just- hug me? "H-heh yeah. I figured out that it'd be a good place to rewind." I said as my face turned red. Still hugging me tightly, "Thank you." she said. She pulled back. "So.. I-I have some news.." I stuttered. "and i don't know if you'll like it. But just incase--- hold out your hand." I said. She gave me her hand slowly. I took her hand and I kissed it. She blushed. Okay. Here goes nothing. I took a deep breath, "Pippa, I think I like girls and guys. I feel weird. I'm only 13." I admitted. Her face turned bright red. "and- I think I like you." I blurted out. She sat there staring at me, frozen. I sighed. I knew it was gonna turn out this way. She probably didn't like me back. Just as I was about to start talking, she leaned in for a short kiss. When she pulled back i was blown away of how her lips were so addicting. "Why did you do that?" I asked her. "Because I love you." she smiled.

xoxo sorry this is short i was just really lazy and maybe i need to balance my words a bit more cause last chapter had like 5000 words and this one has 800 but oh well lmao. Longer stories take like 2 weeks though so I think i'll usually stick around with 1000-2000 words per chapter. Also sorry for any mispells

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2021 ⏰

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