Earpiece Interruption

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Garfield's unease was palpable as he shifted uncomfortably, his instincts and obvious appearance telling him that he stuck out like a sore thumb amidst the sea of socialites. His attire, meticulously chosen to blend in, seemed to only accentuate his nervousness. He adjusted his tie, his fingers fumbling slightly, a clear reflection of his inner concerns.

"I'm just saying, Vic. The others can pull off being discreet." Garfield argued through his earbud, his voice laced with a hint of frustration and concern. "But I can't. It's not my strong suit, you know that. I should be with you in the surveillance van, where I can put my skills to better use." He said his eyes darting from one person, glancing around the lavishly decorated room, filled with an abundance of elegantly dressed partygoers engaged in lively conversations and laughter.

"You know, Gar." Victor responded, his voice crackling through the earbud, infused with a playful tone. "You're not as big of a green flag as you think you are. Besides, you would be bugging me, saying how boring it is watching cameras."

Garfield huffed in response though he had to acknowledge the truth behind Victor's remark. Deep down, he knew that his restlessness would have likely driven Victor to the brink of insanity within minutes if they were confined to the surveillance van together.

Garfield shifted his attention back to the task at hand. The lively ambiance of the party seemed to fade into the background. "So, do you see anything suspicious?" He asked, his eyes scanning the room, casually observing the guests, their conversations, and their interactions.

"Nothing yet." Victor responded, his voice reflecting a hint of disappointment. "Richard and Kori are showing off on the dance floor as usual. And Raven's outside."

"Why is she outside?" Garfield asked, his voice laced with genuine curiosity as he turned, his gaze shifting towards the patio door. His mind raced with possibilities, wondering why she would venture outside during such a critical juncture of their mission.

"I don't know. She isn't responding to me." Victor said his frustration clear in his response as he tapped the earpiece of his communication device repeatedly, attempting to establish contact with her.

"I'll go check on her." Garfield spoke out loud, determination evident in his voice as he swiftly made his way towards the door.

As Garfield pushed open the back door, a wave of relief washed over him, the loud music of the party being replaced with the stillness of night. The cool night air brushed against his face, offering a momentary relief from the bustling energy of the party. The patio, adorned with twinkling lights and tastefully arranged furniture, provided a stark contrast to the vibrant atmosphere inside.

With measured steps, Garfield ventured further onto the patio, his eyes scanning the surroundings in search of Raven's distinctive presence. The soft glow of moonlight cast gentle shadows, creating an ethereal backdrop against which he spotted her. She stood in the far-left corner, leaning against the deck railing, her hair and long dress swaying gracefully with the gentle breeze.

A smile tugged at the corners of Garfield's lips as he took in the sight of Raven's silhouette. The mission had forced her into the dark blue dress, and despite having seen her in it before the mission started, he couldn't help but appreciate how it accentuated her features. The slimming design hugged her figure in all the right places, emphasizing her curves with understated elegance. His gaze trailed along the long slit that adorned the side of the dress, revealing glimpses of her long, smooth legs as they led up to the curve of her...

"Keep your eyes in your head, Grass Stain." Victor's voice interrupted, the smirk evident in his tone.

"Shut up, Vic!" Garfield retorted, his voice laced with a mixture of frustration and embarrassment. His face flushed, his cheeks turning a shade of crimson as if his friend could somehow read his mind.

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