Chapter 15

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You look at him for a while eyeing him up and down,you take his hand,draco leads you to the dance floor,draco grabs your arms and puts it on his neck,he places his hands on your waste,the two of you start dancing when all of a sudden draco grasps your arm and turns you around then rests your body on his,you turn your head to face him when the both of you realise how close your lips are together

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You two are about to kiss when suddenly


Draco and you jerk and move 2 steps away from each other

Ginny:oh was I ruining a moment?
Y/n:no! not at all

You give draco a glare and turn back to ginny

Ginny:well do you two wanna play shots?

You look at draco who is already looking at you,both of you smirk


Ginny leads the two of you to the shots table,and when you arrived

Ginny:ok.y/n vs draco lets see who wins
Y/n:actually I pass. I dont wanna challenge draco
Draco:tch. pussy!
Y/n:I beg your pardon!?
Draco:lets make a bet. If I win you are going to sleep in my dorm and if you win I'll leave you

Immediatly you take a shot desperate to win,you had two shots left when suddenly you hear cheering you look up to see draco drinking his last shot,draco puts down the glass

Y/n:slytherin serpants!!?
Draco:that dosnt matter.what matters now is the fact that I won the bet
Y/n:ok you win

You walk over two hermoine and chat with her,draco walks over two blaise and chats with him

A few minutes later draco looks around the ball when his eyes glare caught you,you are running outside going towards the atronomy towers.draco puts down his glass and excuses himself

Draco:excuse me
Blaise:mate. Where are you going?
Draco:nowhere just stay there!

Draco runs towards you until finally the both of you reach the astronomy towers,you lean on one of the window ledges

Draco:y/n. what are you doing here?
Y/n:Slytherin serpants! Dont scare me like that

Draco walks closer two you

Y/n:its fine

Draco pulls out something from his pocket and puts it on your neck,and when he finished you check what he put on your neck and see a stunning necklace

Y/n:oh my goodness!

Hi I used lele pons pic because I couldnt find any other person that had the exact pose I wanted so I decided to use lele pons so please dont copyright me and I cut this one short to because I only have one more Chapter to post and seaseon 1 will be finished I hope you understand bye loves🍏🥰💚🐍

Inseparable Love (Draco X Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now