It's real for us...

53 17 23

I may not have recieved my letter

When I was 11 years.

I may not have a wand , in my hand

Bought from Ollivanders.

I may not have been sorted by the

Sorting hat in the great hall.

I may not be a witch or a wizard

In this world.

But that all doesn't make me a muggle,

You guys don't know our struggle.

But I have received, my letter

When I was 11 years.

I have a wand, in my hand

Bought from Ollivanders.

I have been sorted by the

Sorting hat in the great hall.

I am a witch or a wizard

In my world.

Yes, in my world.

Yes,in my world...

You don't see the pictures

When you read the sentences

In the paper that holds my world...

You ask me why

I am into this

But you don't know

How precious is this

You tell me,

"Quit from this fantasy, it's not real"

But you don't know

That it is real.

It is real for me,

It's real for us.

It's real for us...

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Love , Anna ❤️❤️❤️

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