I'm sorry it wasn't you...

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I'm sorry it wasn't you...

Heyy guys, this is a new story I've been thinking of. This story doesn't actually have vampires in it which is new for me! Lol. But anyways, thanks for reading and please comment about what you think and if I should continue.


My sister Stacey always had her hands on her boyfriend, Kane, even when they were meeting me up a school. Like now, I was walking towards the school with my mate when I hear soft moans and then my sister's hushed voice "Stop it Kane..." she  giggled.

Ugh! This has happened so many times before that the kids at my school don't even notice them standing there, eating each others faces anymore.

"Ahh man, not again!" I explained slapping my hand on my forehead, I looked towards the gate where my sister was her smiling sheepishly and Kane was wiping the lipstick off his swollen lips.

"Its not as bad this time, Riles." My best mate said, Sam. Sam had a buzz cut hair, big, beautiful pale green eyes, olive soft skin with one ear pierced and light pink lips and the cutest dimple you'll ever see placed on his left cheek. Even though we were best mates, I wasn't blind. Sam was sexy. The type of guy you'd expect to see with lines of girls ready to ponce to make out with him. But that wasn't Sam the slightest bit. Sam was the most caring guy you'd ever met, he'd make you laugh until you're choking.

Coming back from my thoughts I replied to Sam, glaring. "Yeah, well I wished they stop it, its just...embarrassing." I said and shivered, making Sam chuckle.

"Thats family for ya! See ya." He said and hugged me when we reached the gates, I hugged him back and said bye. I walked to my sister, narrowing my eyes at her.

"Can't you two stop snogging each other, just for one sec?" I hissed and throw my bag into her new car that she just brought a couple of days ago.

"Nice to see you too Riley! And no, I can't his just so hawt!" She practically purred and rubbed a hand down this stomach.


I pretended to be sick. Stacey stopped what she was doing and turned to face me. She stood there, head titled to the left and arms out. Rolling my eyes I gave her a hug, and then Kane  who was standing there smirking a little. When I hugged him I couldn't stop myself from taking a big sniff of his delicious smell. I don't know why but he ALWAYS wears the aftershave I gave him for Christmas.  When I let go of him he ruffed my hair, making me glare in return.

Damn, was I a little kid? No. So don't ruffle my hair! But I couldn't stay mad at Kane, there was something about him that was just so likable.

"You okay, Riley?" He asked. His smirk turned into a toothy smile, making him look so sexy that I had to wipe my cheek to make sure I wasn't dribbling.

Okay, so as you can see I have the smallest of tiniest crushes on him. But who couldn't when his lovely brown wavy hair just falls short of his deep, mysterious indigo eyes and his chiseled cheekbone? His skin is a lovely creamy colour and from the summer I spent swimming with him I can safety say he had a yummy body.

Then Stacey's annoying voice destroyed my perverted daydream, making me return to the present.

"Are you coming or what, Riley?" She asked, clearly annoyed. I shook my head, sadly getting rid of the image and noticed that both they were in the car ready to go. I got in the car in the back and was happily surprised by Kane sitting next to me.

"What the hell Kane? Don't you sit in the front?" I asked, "Not that I'm complaining" I whispered quietly and got a weird look from Kane before it turned into a smile. A smug smile. Weird. But forgetting the smile I can't believe I said that. Infront of Kane!

"Have you seen your driving in this car, she's got road rage!" He chuckled, I looked at the mirror and saw her half smiling fondly at Kane. Stacey started the car and started driving.

By the time we got home I was scared for my life, as soon as she stopped the car I jumped out of the car and kneeled out the ground.

"Oh sweet safe GROUND!!" I shouted and pretended to kiss it. Kane laughed loudly but quickly turned into a cough as soon as Stacey glanced at him. He faced me with a small smirk playing on his lips.

"Not funny, Riley!" Stacey whined as she climbed out of the car, wearing her famous pout. I stood up and when to the boot to help Kane with the shopping she brought. He smiled as he handed me the light bags.

"C'mon Kane, let me carry some heavy stuff, your arms must be arching." I explained but he simply smiled.

"I've been carrying it without help all day, I'm sure I can manage it till the door Riles." He replied and walked to the door.

I carried my bag and my load to the house. I placed them on the living room floor. I sat down and Kane sat next to me, he placed his arm on the top of the sofa, his hands just touching my shoulder slightly. I faced him and was meet by a dazzling smile, I smiled back shyly and opened my mouth to say something when Stacey spoke, making me close my mouth.

"Ummm, Kane I need help with the bags up stairs" She said, and tried to wink secretly but failed miserably. Ugh, this meant they were gonna make out. They had a 'secret code', and when one of them said 'help with the bags' it meant they want to make out.

"In a minute babe, I wanna chill. Why don't we talk to Riley for a bit? We haven't seen her in ages." He asked, shocking us all. Yeah, he talked to me but never did he miss making out with Stacey for talking with me.

"Ohhh, okay then." Stacey said not trying to hide her disappointment or confusion.

"So Riley whats up?" He asked, facing me. For a brief second his eyes flickered to my lips and then back to my eyes.

"Err, nothin'. Me and Sam are doing a project at school, that's it really." I said. 

Me and Sam were going to do a performance in drama about any novel we wanted. I had argued we should do Romeo and Juliet, it was a classic. But no, not Sam. He wanted to some book on WW1.

"You an' Sam huh, you guys goin' out yet?" He said playfully but I swear there was something in his voice, an edge to it.

I laughed noisy, snorting and everything. "Me and S-Sam... don't be silly, Kane!"

"Yeah, Kane." Stacey said in a cold voice, seems like someone doesn't know how to deal with REJECTION! The good mood in the room dropped them, the happy laughter silenced.

"Awkward," I whispered, Kane must of heard me as he smiled half-heartedly. "Anyways I'm gonna get some water."

"Me too" Kane said and jumped up from the sofa with me and we walked together to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and took out two waters.

I turned to throw one to Kane when he was standing right next to me, looking at my lips. He leaned in, slowly. His minty breath on my face, I leaned in when I heard footsteps coming towards the kitchen. Snapping out of it I jumped back, my cheeks hot with guilt. Was I gonna kiss my sister's boyfriend? Stacey stormed in, a frown on her pretty face.

"Come on Kane, my bedroom." She hissed and walked out to the stairs, leaving me to stand with Kane alone.

"Riley I'm so-" He started to say but I silenced him.

"Just go, we'll talk later." I said and watched him walk out.

As he shut the door with a click questions made a circle in my head.

Was I really gonna kiss my sister's boyfriend?

Did I want to kiss my sister's boyfriend?

What have I got myself into?!

Soo that's chapter 1 done!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2011 ⏰

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