Chapter Three: Dr. Bose

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(Hey! I forgot to mention that this will have some smut at some point- if you don't like it, I will put smut warnings before it begins. Enjoy!)

I head to the next room, seeing who this man's story was to Jimmy, was he his father? Or family friend? Who knows, until I see him appear.
"Jimmy?" He asks after he gently knocks on a door.
"I'm Dr. Bose, I'm just here to have a little chat with ya." He waits patiently, before the door opens.
"Thank you Jimmy, I won't be long." Then the man walks inside, the door closing after him.

I turn it on after entering the room, communicating with him.
"Hello?" "Hello?" I get a reply shortly after I speak.
"What's your name?" I wait a little, then hear a reply, "Doctor Bose, I'm a clinical psychiatrist." I take another breath, then ask, "I saw a man knocking on a door, telling Jimmy he was there to help, who was it?" Immediately I get a response in a professional and polite manner. "It was me- I got a call from Rose, Jimmy's mother. She wanted me to talk to Jimmy, find out what was wrong with him. But Harvey was worried about Jimmy's mind, the things he was imagining."
This went on for a bit, resulting me into my next area of search, the first floor.

I went down to the first floor with and uneasy feeling.
I wasn't chased, nor given any signs of Jimmy, either he was on the floor I'm on, or hopefully on some other floor.
Unfortunately, I heard Jimmy right away, screaming and taunting that he'll find me.
I carefully walk past, until I was pinned to a wall, my wrists held on either side of my head.
There he was, Jimmy, staring into my (y/e/c) eyes with a glint of fire in his eyes.
"Well well well, I found you once more~." He breathes down my neck, his eyes never breaking away from mine.
"I will escape your grasp again, just like last time." You glare back into his, threatening him with your eyes.
He chuckles, "If trying to knock you out won't do, maybe this will." He then smashes his lips onto mine, full of passionate lust as it causes my body to melt and shiver.
I curse myself in my head, but my body does exactly what Jimmy wants.
He grabs my hips and forces them against his, grinding them a bit.
I almost melt away in his embrace, until I snap out of it, kick him where it hurts once more, and run to a room that had a deadlock.
Quickly I lock and back up, hearing banging.
"I WILL GET YOU TO SUBMIT TO ME, (Y/N)!" and he walks away, angry thumping easily heard as it fades.
I check to see if I'm free to go, and journey forth.

I then enter the basement, leaving the elevator, and turn around due to flashing lights.
There's Dr. Bose once more, in a heavily distressed manner.
He's attaching rope to the elevator, and putting the noose around his neck, then  waits till it moves.
His death was utterly horrifying.
I turn on the communication device and speak to Dr. Bose one last time.
"Is it Dr. Bose?" "Yes, I'm Dr. Bose." I sigh in relief and ask, "I saw you tying a rope around your neck, you killed yourself, why?" There was a tiny pause, before his voice spoke again.
"I had enough. There was no going back, my life was over anyway." Then an image goes through my head in a distorted matter, just like how Amy's was after she spoke.
It was of Dr. Bose's face, and a curtain on a stage opening up.

I stood in utter shock.
My head, I was starting to feel too much emotions, it caused me to squat down and sob.
First a child was killed by alchohol, and now a suicide.
How will I keep up with this?
I get up, wiping away my tears from my now puffy eyes.
I then take deep breaths, and walk to the elevator.
"I refuse to give up and let myself fall victim to Jimmy." I whisper, before going forth to my next case.

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