"The first encounter"

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O my dear bestie, today the flash from past peeked over my mind.

I chuffled that I still maintained to bear in my sanity. But today finally I'll burst my heart out.

"Hey, look there's a new chick in our school" whispered a voice. A girl with short-black hair jacked up at her who was sitting next to Umail, jawing. I was completely lost wandering in the beauty of her. "Hey, hey, idiot where are you lost?"cried Lucy. " oh, nothing...nothing at all by the way did I catch you wrong?"I asked . Starting at me "well, I was telling you, our class teacher is elegant and gay, every student look up to her, she's adorable" exclaimed Lucy. "Oh!That's tremendous" I answered.

Still busy unpacking my bag and my tangled with my books and stationery. "Hi, I am Emma, a new arrival at school" A strage voice uttered jovially. I bucked up to see who just responded and brightened up to see the new chick of our school standing besides Umail. "Hi---- hi, I am Lucy, a brilliant student of class, particularly in Maths and oh! If you have any query to ask just come to me" interrupted her. "And yeah she is - " stop Lucy, you are coming over my nerve. I am Mia, hope we can make good team" I finally spoke with such self-esteem.

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