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Chapter 3 - Not What I Was Expecting


"I got 10 stitches in my head. And you best believe my mom didn't let me use a sled ever again. Not that I was exactly keen to get back into it." I laugh and place my cup of tea on the breakfast bar in front of me.

"What about when you were around 17, it was summer time and something really must have gotten you down."

"Oh crap, that's awkward." My hand smacks over my head and I pace back and forth.

"What? What is it?"

"I can't say! It's a more personal story." I shrug my shoulders even though I know he can't see me.

"Oh come on. You owe me a month of being stuck in a funk!"

I pause for a second and roll my eyes before quickly taking a sip of my hot tea. "You have Brad to blame for that, my first real boyfriend. We only went out for like three months before he dumped me after we, you know, did it."

"Oh." Loki pauses then moans in realisation, "Ohhh."

"Yeah like the day after it happened." I awkwardly chuckle, slightly embarrassed at my teen self.

"What a jackass."

"Yeah. So sorry for ruining a month of your life." I begin to shuffle through the morning mail and place Derek's letters aside.

"No, it's okay. There was always this odd feeling inside of me, weird moods and things I couldn't quite understand."

"Yeah I definitely had the same experiences." My eyes wander around the kitchen as I think about the man I'm speaking with. What did he look like? I want to know more about him.

"There's been some other bigger moments throughout the years. Some personal stuff. Your mom..."

"Yeah well, that makes sense. She never was one hundred percent okay. We're actually quite similar." My words trail off as I remember the memories of my mother.

I throw the leftover letters on the counter and lean my arms across the back of the chair. "You know, Loki, I always had this undeniable feeling that I was never truly alone. I couldn't explain it before but now it's starting to make sense. It felt really strong after my mom died, which really helped. Did you ever feel the connection get stronger during a point in your life?"

"I think you already know the answer to that."

I stop for a second and think, knowing what he's referring to. I take a quick sip of my tea and let out a sharp exhale. "I remember the first night you got locked away."

"Yes, that. I suppose I should tell you."

"W- What did you do?" A pang of uncertainty hits me and I sit down on the chair awaiting his reply.

"I tried to take rule over Earth. I- I killed people. I've made many mistakes. My father locked me up and threatened to banish me."

My chest tightens as I hear the words flow from his mouth. I was trying so hard to process what he'd just told me, taken aback but trying to remain rational.

"You... You sound really troubled." I speak rather boldly.

"Some would say that." His soft laugh fills my ears.

"I just thought that those times were just nightmares. It was scary and unsettling, not knowing what was going on or why." My hands place around the teacup, feeling the warmth on my fingertips.

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