02| Paranoia, my best friend

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Hi! :)

As you probably noticed, the story is beginning a bit slower than the original, first version I wrote of this story but yeah, kinda felt like that describing the relationship between Chloe and her brother would lighten up the story a bit in the beginning before shit will go down. Which will happen soon!

Hope you like it :)

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02 | Paranoia, my best friend


"Chloe, wake up."

"No," I mumbled into my pillow, pulling the soft covers over my head as I slowly fell back into my deep sleep.

"Wake the hell up, you're going to be late for work again," Carter said annoyed, and did the most horrible thing ever, knowing very well that I cherished nothing more than sleep. That fat idiot sat on top of my back, doing a very well job at squishing me so I couldn't breathe properly.

"Noooooo," I whined, blindly slapping around with my right arm.

The whole night I wasn't able to sleep, like always and whenever my eyes closed on their own with how tired I was, those red eyes would immediately appear. They wouldn't even waste a second, immediately just flashing before my eyes as if they've been waiting to do so all the time. So yeah, that I was kind of lacking sleep was the understatement of the year. When I finally managed to fall asleep, I wasn't really sure of but it felt like it was only five minutes ago and sleep was calling me back again and I would happily accept its offer if it wasn't for my stupid brother shouting around.

"Wakey, wakey, sis," he sang, letting himself completely fall on me as he jumped on my back as if I was a freaking trampoline. I groaned in annoyance, trying to hit him blindly with tired arms. Suddenly he hissed out in pain as finally, I proceeded in smacking him somewhere.

This was very normal. Either it would be me waking him up, which happened really rarely and even if I did manage to wake him up like a loving little sister would do -not-, it only happened because I would set the alarm ready the night before. Then, I would wake him with pouring ice cold water on him or pushing him off the bed- really, which one I felt more to do so. And even if we seemed to annoy the hell out of each other, cussed us out and all that, we couldn't live with the other one because ever since that one day I dreaded to think back off, that day when our parents died, we got inseparable.

"First yesterday with the spray and now this? Sis, why are you getting so fucking violent," he groaned out, rolling away from me and I breathed in deeply, feeling his huge ass weight finally off of me and felt as if I was floating. Rolling onto my side to see him sitting at the edge of the bed, rubbing his right eye where I probably smacked him, I grinned in victory. "Well then, favourite brother in the whole wide world," I began sweetly, "You should leave me the hell alone," I ended, looking at him with a blank expression.

"I'm your only brother, dummy," he said in a duh tone, eyebrows raised as he looked at me as if I was growing another head.

"Your point being exactly what?" I asked, yawning as I stretched myself and slowly sat up. My eyes burned terribly as I opened them and I blinked again, trying to ease it.

"That only I can be your favourite brother," he replied, rolling his eyes.

"Sure about that?" I asked, biting on my lip to stop myself from laughing as he narrowed his eyes at me. Mumbling like a old woman under his breath about what a shitty sister I was being and that he hated me -so felt the love by the way- he stood up and walked out of my room.

"Love you too," I hollered after him, chuckling as he returned back, stood there at the door frame staring at me for good two minutes before flipping me off and walking away. Laughing, I already felt in a better mood as I walked into the bathroom to get ready for the day.

Demon's Claim//z.m. (Rewritten version of 'Danger')Where stories live. Discover now