Fighting Love

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I never liked to give up on a challenge, I refused to give up. If life threw me an obstacle, I tended to think through my options, debating on the best possible way to overcome whatever was in my way. But sometimes, just sometimes, giving up is the best thing to do.

Especially if it involves someone else. Someone you love.

He was a challenge to me, at first. I wanted to change him, to bend him. Make him the man I saw beneath all the layers of leather and tattoos. I thought, quite naively, that if I wove my way beneath all the layers, if I got close enough to him, then I could transform him.

I didn't plan on getting too close. But the leather and tattoos enthralled me. I was soon trapped, lost in his ways and I couldn't find a way out, even if I wanted one.

I know I should have given up. But giving up isn't an option for me. I couldn't give him up because he was a challenge to me but most importantly, I loved him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2012 ⏰

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