Chapter 1: Alive Again

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Darkness surrounds me. I felt like I was falling endlessly. Into an endless abyss of nothing. What was happening? Was I dead? Suddenly, a wave of heat flows through my limbs, I could feel myself come together. As if a part of that was missing had been returned. 

My eyes shot open as I sit up quickly. I was in a graveyard, ash surrounding me. Where was I? Lifting myself out of the grave, a suit of leather armor laid next to me, along with a dagger and buckler shield. 

With the armor on, I felt a little better. I was now protected, if only a little bit. I pick up the shield and dagger, giving the dagger a few practice swings before moving forward. Looking back at the pile of ash and stone I was just in, I notice a green flask. It seems cracked, as if smashed against the stone. 

Picking it up, a drop of golden liquid drips out the bottom. It was busted, but may be useful later, so I pocket it and continue forward. Leaving the stone walls of the graveyard I was in, I enter a rocky land, pieces of earth sheared off the sides of this mountain, large cliffs being the only thing left. A walk way was barely left, a path of gravel leading me forward to a cave. 

As I step into the grave, a voice calls out to me. "Fire Born, you are. And the Fire you will continue to be. Continue forward, for the world hangs at the balance. And fire is what we need." 

The voice was feminine with a soft tone. I quickly look around, only seeing the large rocks and ash surrounding the area. I turn back towards the path, beginning to walk towards the gave. I kept a tight grip on the dagger, the dark cave seemingly beckoning me inside it's gaping maw. 

Stepping inside, a sudden pressure came over me, knocking me onto my knees. I felt my heart racing, as if fear was overtaking me. I grasp at my chest, was I dying? Not that darkness again! Anything but that!

"Fire Born, you are. And I will serve thee. As a Fire Keeper tends to the fire, and tends to thee." That voice spoke out to me once again, making me look up into the darkness of the cave. A woman slowly stepped out of the dark, her eyes covered. She kneels down to me, gently placing her hand on my chest.

"Claim the fire as your own, Fire Born. Thy will grant you power." She spoke to me, a small flame appearing in her hand. A sudden wave of warmth went over me, just like before. I felt that part of me return once again, but with something more. 

I stood up, the Fire Keeper standing up with me. "Thy flame gives you power, such as thy soul." She says to me. A smile spreads across her face. I close my eyes, clenching my fist around the dagger. 

Opening them once again, a flaming blade was in my hands, the blade coiling around it's core. "Thy bonfire will protect thy from harm. Place the blade in the bones of undead," she instructs me, pointing towards a pile of bone and ash. I step up to it, placing the blade deep into the pile, the flame rising up my arm. 

The cave lit up with beautiful colors, the fires light burning bright. The Fire Keeper claps gently behind me, before sitting down on a stone. Looking back at her, I can take in her feature better. She wore a long, white dress, with a golden crest covering her eyes. Her hair was blond, tied up in a pony tail. 

"Where... Am I?" I ask her. 

"Thy stand beneath Firelink Shrine, long forgotten and lying in ruins. Tis my duty to serve thee," She says to me. "If thy bring me souls, I will grant thee power." 

I give her a slight nod, letting out a sigh. "My names Dreg, by the way." 

She gives me another warm smile with a nod. I pull out the dull green flask in my pocket, "Would you happen to know what this is?"

"An Estus flask, treasured by undead. This one seems to be shattered, however. You may need to seek out a new one, or someone who can fix it." She tells me. 

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⏰ Última actualización: Aug 11, 2021 ⏰

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