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He was royalty. So what? Everybody had a flaw. 

The world as we know it is full of danger and darkness. There is no everlasting peace, no tranquility, as everything is in chaos. There is no end to the darkness, no end to the death and horrors in the world. It has been this way for eons, with no change. Then, one day, in the midst of autumn, at the very second that the clock hits twelve, a solution is found. A child is born, fated to bring change to the universe itself. He is the son of a God with it being his fate to bring together all the Pantheons, for it is his destiny to rule over them. He will possess power beyond measure, wisdom that knows no bounds. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them. He will one day fit into all of these categories as he is destined to be the tide that takes the universe by storm. He will be known by many names, all of them possessing the power to cause a feeling of terror to take root in his enemies, as he will be the reason behind the destruction of everything that gets in the way of his destiny. His name is a clear reflection of his nature. He is Perseus. 

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