The Leap of Faith

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Let see how this makes it and how it goes

"Nancy you're not serious are you?!"

Bess Marvin or Bess Turai as you like to call her was already looking at her friend and turned her head towards the bottom of the Bluffs that they were looking at. 

The Five of them were already catching their breaths as they were already running from an evil wind monster, the Volses, that was sealed away for the past thousand years in Horseshoe Bay, which they had thought was just another ther urban legend that turned out to be REAl!

Nancy had already gripped onto the sword that she had taken from an old tree trunk that she was going to use to help both her dads, Ryan and Carson as she believed it was the only thing to protect them against Everet.

 Everet found out about Nancy being her granddaughter as the only for Everet not to lay finger on them was to bring him the sword of the four winds for his collection of rare antiques to sell. 

"We have to jump," Nancy said as she begins to take a step towards the Bluffs, only to feel Ace stop her. 

"Who says about going around that thing, it's a freaking sword for god sakes," said Ace as he looked back at the forest to know that the Volses.

"Against the Volses," said Nick as he looked at the sword.

"We fought monsters before, what makes the Volses so different from the Agleca or the midnight wraith," said Bess.

"Maybe the sword can defeat it, it did once, or George, you can use the crowbar than just breaking things open with it. 

"How the hell are we supposed to fight something that's literally the wind, with the sword, let alone a CROWBAR?!" George said as she looked at Bess. 

A cold wind was blown strong where they felt as if they were being pushed back.

"Since when did the winds got this crazy," said George as they all covered their faces from the blast of the wind that was being blown towards them.

"That's not normal wind!" Nick said as he felt himself losing the grip of his footing.

"It's the Volses," said Nancy as she looked at the Bluffs in front of her.

Red glowing eyes were seen as the wind blew stronger than before as Ace tumbled towards onto the ground, where he was grabbed by Bess, and Nick both grabbed Ace's hands as they felt themselves being pulled towards the forest. 

George grabbed Nick by the collar of the jacket as she planted her Crowbard onto the ground and gripped it tight as Nancy planted the sword onto the ground as she grabbed Bess's hand where Ace was already trying to get his footing back onto the ground. 

Together they pulled Ace towards them as the human chain tried to endure the blasting winds in front of them as Nancy pulled her friends towards the Bluffs.

"Do you trust me?" she asked suddenly.

"Yeah, wait why?!" shouted Geroge from the other side. 

"Because if we're going to get out of this alive, we're going to have to that step," Nancy said as she looked behind her. 

"What no, no, no, no, no, no, we seriously can't jump from this high, can we?!" Bess said as she looked at Nancy. 

"Worst case scenario, we could die, if we're lucky, we may break our bones," said Ace as he called out. 

"We've got to try at least, or we die from impalement from one of the branches of the tree," said George. 

The Five of them step towards the edge of the Bluffs as they looked at the bottom of the Bluffs to see the ocean below them. 

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