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Oof what a roller coaster of events.
I hope you understood what was present and what was past.

I think I made it pretty clear when I mentioned that only flashbacks were in italics, and that everything else was present.

My sister was proofreading, she didn't seem to understand if that was present or past. So I thought I should just know, tell you.

So there's that.

I'm sorry I'm so awkward but thank you so so much for reading this book and giving it a chance. That means a lot.

I hope I didn't disappoint you.

Follow me, and do check out my other books, if you want to 😉


3 months later after this book was published:
I don't know if y'all have this book in your library anymore or not, but I'd like to thank you all.

So, recently a reader of mine told me that they discovered my book from a TikTok. And I was obviously so shocked. Whoever made that TikTok, I don't know if you are reading this or not, but I'm so grateful towards you and I don't really know how to thank you.

I really appreciate the love you all are showing me, believe me I feel it (even from the silent readers who enjoy my book without my knowledge) I want to hug y'all. These are horrible times, third wave of COVID-19 is predicted to come along as well, be safe!! Don't forget to wear your masks and stay happy!!!!

P.s- here's the link of the TikTok if you what to check it out ;)

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