ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔒𝔫𝔢

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Hello Everyone, This is Chapter One Of The Connection Between Two, so I hope it's good and if you see any error or something that could be fixed, let me know right away so I can get it solved!

[Tyler's Pov]


  opening my eyes slightly trying to adjust to the bright light that is shining in the window. The sound of my alarm woke me up, I reached my hand out and hit it a little to hard to shut it off and it ended up on the ground.

I lifted my legs out of the covers and off the bed so I'm sitting slightly up straight as the covers slowly fell of me. Beginning to stretch my arms I sit up and off the bed, looking down at the floor where layed my alarm clock I pick it up and turn it around.

"HOLY CRA-" I was cut off by the clock dropping back to the floor and me ending up rushing to get dressed, ending up wearing a grey hoodie crop top with black skinny Jean's and checker converses. I know I know crop tops are for women but I'm a man with fashion.

I hurry and grab my backpack stuffing my laptop and notebooks in it, zipping it up fast before slamming my door shut and running down the stairs. "Oh hello hoeny, would you like some breakfist" I made it down the stairs and turned to my mother and shook my head before running to grab my jacket before opening the door.

"BYE MOM IMA BE LATE" I had yelled to the other room quickly shutting the front door and spotting my fried Sadie's car and hurrying to it, opening the passenger door she greets me and I shut the door while she takes off down the road.

Thankfully the school is only about 5 minutes away by car so I wont be super late. As we soon arrive at the school, she shuts the car off and we grab our bags and get out. Putting on my jacket I hurry through the front gates, only to be stopped by my one and only enemy since childhood, Kate Lockheart.

Wow who knew you would dress so girly today- the blond says while walking backwards only to walk forward purposely bumping into be causing me to tumble over and droping my bag.

She leaves to turn around and heads to class leaveing me to pick up my bag Only to hear the bell ring, stateing that class Was beginning. I head to my locker and place my bag grabbing my books and laptop and heading off hopeing not To get detention by mr Smith again.

[Times Skip]

The sound of clicking keyboards and books shutting and opening, I am currently in 2nd period and yes I indeed ended up getting detention by mr Smith after school, which is great because That will make me about an 1 hour late.

We are currently working on an essay which contains lots of researching and 13 page writing. Not big of a fan of it but if it gets my grade to stay legally good which in other terms means staying above a D I should be good.

The sound of the bell snapped me out of my thoughts and everyone began to exit out of the classroom to free pierod. I grabbed my notebook and laptop and wrap my arms around them, only to be stop by my teacher.

Tyler, I expect you to be done with that essay by friday as well as the rest of your work that you have yet to finsih, am I correct. She asks while bringing her glasses down just a little to look at me am with a stern look.

Yes Mrs. Miller, I answer back while she dismisses me from her classroom. I walk around the conner only to be stopped by sadie, I'll admit it startled me just a little when she jumped on me from behind excited as she already can be.

-HIIIII TYLER GUESS WHAT WE STUDIED FROGS AGAIN- she says as her eyes show excitement in them while jumping around.

Leaveing a small chuckle to leave my lips and picking up my notebook she ended up knocking out of my hands.
" that is great sadie but maybe next time dont jump on me" I say while useing my free hand to rub the side of my neck a little embarrassed.

She shakes she head and says her farewell and walks off to her girlfriend. Ring Ring Ring

Putting my stuff in my locker I grab my phone from my pocket. [Hmm unknown number] I thought to my self answering it.

[ Hello Is The Tyler Martin ]

[yes it is, may I help you]

[ Ah yes, I saw your application for The ceo of Beauty department ]

[ Oh Yes Ma,am was there something wrong ]

[ No, I'm calling to say that you got in interview tomrrow at 9Am Sharpe and make sure you wear something Formal, I don't need another child like person ]

[ ah yes ma,am thank you so much. I'll be the- ] I was cut off with the phone hanging up on the other line.

(Omg I cant believe I got in interview, I need to tell sadie about this asap) I thought while looking around for sadie only to see her by herself at the lady's restroom.

" SADIE CODE RED ASAP " I said rushing over to her and grabbing her by the arm into the lady's restroom even tho I'm not allowed in there but who cares.

Ok calm down tyler, what's wrong why the code red. She asks while raising a brow. "Sadie I got in interview at the ceo of the beauty department tomrrow at 9Am Sharpe and I HAVE NOTHING FORMAL TO WEAR" I said half yelled while paceing back and forth.

She grabbed my arm and looked at me with a stern look on her face, -Tyler calm down, after school we will go shopping for lots of clothes, like suits and dress pants and white botton up shirts and many more, and I'll be paying- she said.

I looked at her and hugged her, "Thank you so much I owe you so much"

She looked at me and smirked, -Ok~- she said very smoothly.

I looked at her and the smile on my face turned to a frown " no I will not go to the club with you" she made a pouty face while crossing her arms.

"Please, only if you get the job then can we go" she said looking at me with puppy dog eye, I sighed and gave in. "Fine" was the last thing I said before walking out of the bathroom with a smile plastered on my face.

Chapter 1 finsihed March 30th- 6:41Pm

1146 words

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝑩𝒆𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒏 𝑻𝒘𝒐 [On hold]Where stories live. Discover now