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Why? why is it so hard to explain what's going on in my mind when i don't even understand it myself, Why do i feel like nothing i do matters?.

Why is the world so fucked up all the time?, Why do i wish i never felt any emotion?, Why do i feel like I'm nothing like to everyone?

Why do i want to die?..... Maybe it's because im tired.... Tired of living, tired of pretending im okay inside, tried of dealing with everyone's bullshit, tired of trying to be kind, tired of trying to earn the SAME GOD DAMN RESPECT!, tired of worrying about everything, tired of fucking up things, tired...just so  tired of it. Why is life so difficult?

What is humanity anymore?....... Just fuck everything, that's all humanity does every day.... May God Be With Us All When The Human Race Will End.... And May God Bless America.... The Fucked Up State.... Also May God Be With You On Whatever You're Going Through Bye......

'What is life?, Life Is Fucked Up, That's Life'Where stories live. Discover now