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it was another boring day, locked away in my home,my father had gone out for a business meeting and i didn't have a mother, i've never known her, so it was just me, me and my magic in this dull cold house. My father didn't really let me go to school, he said Hogwarts were for the childish, so he pays a nanny to help me study DADA etc etc. It was a Tuesday, specifically 3:27pm and my father should be back soon, i had already tidied the house and dusted everything down for him, he doesn't let me do housework, he always says it's for nanny's to do but i usually give them a break when he's away, he'd kill them and me if he found out what i was doing, although it's an act of kindness.
"Would you like anything to eat or drink?" a house elf said to me
"No thank-you Claus, treat yourself" i replied with a smile turning my attention to outside, the rain was patting off of my window and a mist of black smoke appeared on the doorstep, it was my father he was back, i made my way downstairs to greet him as i had barely seen him all day.
"Hi dad!" i boomed when he opened the door
"No time, i have a meeting today in our dining hall, a few guests will be coming so just-" i cut him off
"Stay out the way" i sighed before walking back upstairs and sitting on the edge of my bed examining my room. I had albums, spells, and potion posters all over my wall, i had led lights around my room and a double bed, Tv and wardrobe, that's it. I'm easily pleased.

Time had passed about an hour and i had been making conversation with Claus in my room, he left however as my father shouted of him to go back downstairs i said my goodbyes and finally got lost in my own world of music. I stuck my headphones in and played my faveourite song. Ophelia. I made sure they were turned right up, and before i knew it, there i was, totally and utterly lost in the music, i took my hair out of my bun and started to dance all alone. My pale oversized hoodie was swaying everywhere and my leggings began to become un apparent that they were even there, i tossed my head up down, left right and once the chorus hit in i began to bounce, and move out of my room, to wherever my feet were to take me. I made my way downstairs singing my heart out
"O O PHELIA YOUVE BEEN ON MY MIND GIRL SINCE THE FLOO-" i felt a tap on my lower leg and i turned to see what it was, it was Clause gesturing me to take my headphones out which i did
"What's wro-" i fell silent once i realised where i was. The dining room. My father and thousands of death eaters surrounding the table.
"Oh how lovely to join us" he said unpleasantly but i returned with a smile
"I was just about to give Draco Malfoy his dark mark, now tell him it isn't bad" he widened his eyes
"Whos Draco father" i replied
"This young man here and he pointed towards his direction"
Holy crap. He was beautiful and around my age, he had piercing blue eyes, messy white hair and a defined jawline.
"I- It- It's not bad" i smile to him before blushing at the fact i looked terrible at the minute AND he had just heard me singing at the top of my lungs.
He replied with a smile before he faced my father and his face fell, once he gave my dad his arm, i watched it all. He winced, but nothing more.
"Dinner is served" Edith my other house elf said before all the nanny's set the table up, i began making my way back to my room
"Aren't you hungry dear?" i heard my father say but i turned around and told him no, before locking eyes with Draco.

How come i've never seen him here before?

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