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I woke up a little earlier today, 2:38pm to be spot on, but i didn't have any time to loose, every Saturday i was allowed to take a trip away from home by myself, i could go wherever i wanted, and today i decided Diagonally, to do some shopping and maybe get a butter-beer. I'd already slept in but i was never a girl for early mornings, father was already out, and the house elf's had the day off, so i decided to roll out of bed and get ready. As i made my way over to my wardrobe i tied my hair up in a messy bun and chucked a sand coloured play suit on, the weather never knew what to do with itself, but it was surprisingly warm today, but with that i headed out.

I used floo powder to make my way to Diagonally.
I walked past maybe a hundred witches and wizards who were all extremely friendly, everyone you passed either gave a friendly nod or said a simple "hello" with a smile, it made me feel normal in a way, instead of being locked in my room all day everyday. I made my way into a few shops, buying new clothes, makeup, and finally getting a new wand upgrade, i accidentally snapped mine last week, i've had to use tape to hold it together for merlins sake.
After i left Olivanders i was stuffing my wand into my bag but before my eyes
"Weasley's Wizard Wheezes?" i mutter under my breath before making my way over, there was a boy with a hat lifting it up and down revealing a rabbit one time then it would be gone the next, i'm guessing it was a replica of someone.
"Must be new" i hmpf before moving my shoulder to push my bag up.

I fell into a trance, there must have been thousands of people running around, some were screaming babies, some teenagers who were browsing and most of all, laughter.
"Ow" i yelp as a young boy nudges me out of his way making me hold my side for a second
"Sorry miss" he replied with a smile
"It's okay, run along" i laughed to him before seeing him get lost among everyone else.
"I will have Order" A young doll said, wearing bright pink and on a tricycle.
"She needs style doesn't she" a man said making me turn my head to next to me, but only seeing a torso
"I'm up here" he muttered whilst showing a laugh before i finally looked up.
"I'm George. I work alongside my twin brother working here, i've never seen you around?" he questioned
"Oh hi, i'm Megan, but most people call me Meg for short" I replied holding my hand out which George shook.
"You're really Pr-" he was cut off
"Hello Ladies" another voice identical to George's caught my ears, i turned behind me to see two girls looking at
"Love Potion Ey?" He finished my sentence
"Shove off Weasley" a girl snapped before taking her friends arm and walking away.
"Oi George! I need some Hel-" He caught my eye, making him smile and approach us
"Who are you?" He questioned straight away
"So no hello? You must be Weasley, I'm Megan" i politely return but his face drops and he starts to laugh frantically
"Oh goodness, i'm Fred WEASLEY, my friends call me Weasley" he said wiping a tear away from his eye but i didn't say anything
"So, What're you looking for?"Fred asks
"I only come out on Saturdays. This place caught my eye- i mean it's pretty cool" i smile
"How come i've never seen you around? You don't go to Hogwarts? How old are you? I me-" George slapped his arm to shut him up
"I don't go to school, my father brings a tutor out to teach me during the week, he says Hogwarts is the last place i want to go. And i'm 16." i giggled
"Me and Georgie are 17, but it's nice to meet you" Fred went on
"If you don't mind, i can give you a tour of the place" his eyes travelling up and down my body.
"Oh erm. Sure" i replied before he moved his head to follow him as George was stopped by a frantic customer needing some help on where to find things.
"And finally, this is the Amortentia shelf" he finally finished
"What's it supposed to do?" i questioned him
"If you smell it you smell the person you deeply desire, your soulmate if you will" he smiled
"Well, i should be off, i have plenty more places to visit" i reply before Fred touched my arm and guided me to the door through crazy waves of people
"hey, megan? you wouldn't mind if i, maybe, got your owl or number, so we can stay in contact?" he said rubbing the back of his neck
there was no harm in it after all. I was exploring.

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