chapter 11

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chapter 11

 Alyssa's P.O.V.

    Louis dragged me to where he thought Niall might be. "FOUND YOU!" Louis shouted at Niall as we walked into a room full of food. "How did you find me so fast and where is Harry, wasn't he with you?" Niall asked in shock. "Easy you love food and Harry went with Brittany to look to you, Liam and Zayn." Louis said.

   "Why did he take Brittany and not you?" Niall asked confused. " Because if Brittany and I went looking for you guys we would have lost Harry and Louis." I said. "Come help us find the others." Louis said before grabbing Niall's arm and pulling us out of the room.

  "Where should we look next?" Louis asked while dragging us behind him. "What about the dressing room?" Niall asked while trying to get Louis to let go of his arm. "Good idea mate, Zayn does like to look good all the time." Louis said.

    I looked over at Niall and saw him staring at me as we were dragged down the hallway. I gave him a look like ' what's going on?', when Louis stopped at a door. He let go of Niall's arm and opened the door to what I'm guessing was Zayn's dressing room.

   "He's not in here." Louis said making a sad face. "What about the bathroom?" I said. "Why the bathroom?" Louis asked looking confused.  "Well if Zayn likes looking at himself then he might be in the bathroom looking in the mirror" I explained pulling my wrist out of Louis' grip.

  "Oh right. Lets go look." He said running out of the room. Me and Niall ran after him. While we were chasing him we heard another loud crash causing all of us to stop, but time the loud crash was thunder. We walked some more down the hall when we reached a bathroom.

   "Sorry but you have to stay here." Louis told me while blocking the door, "You to Niall. I'll go check." "Why do I have to stay here?" Niall asked looking confused. "Because I said so." Louis said before entering the bathroom.

 We waited outside the bathroom for a minute before Louis came out with Zayn. "Where to next?" Niall asked looking at Louis. I felt my phone go off, I saw I got a message from Brittany. "Lets go to the stage. Brittany said the her, Harry and Liam are there waiting for us." I said.

   "Okay lets go." Zayn said. We walked to the stage to only find Brittany. "Something not right." Louis said looking around. "What do you mean?" I said him confused. "Where is Harry and Liam?" Niall asked Brittany. " They said they had to go get something and that they would be back." she said walking over to us.

   We all decided to sit on the stage and wait for them. We sat there for a few minutes when foam darts started to fly at us from both sides of the stage. "I KNEW IT!" Louis shouted while getting up and running at Harry. Harry and Liam were shooting us with Nerf guns.

   Zayn  and Niall ran off the stage and disappeared, leaving me and Brittany to be attacked Harry and Liam. We ran off the stage to the floor of the arena, hoping we were far enough away that they couldn't shoot us anymore.

    "DON'T WORRY LOU WE GOT YOU!" Niall shouted while he and Zayn ran out to the stage with more Nerf guns. Great. They ran and dove all over the stage shooting each for ten minutes before Zayn stopped them. "Hey you two look bored, mates you thinking what I'm thinking?" He asked with a mischievous look.

   "I have a bad feeling about this." Brittany said as they all stood on stage giving each other looks. "I say we run." I said grabbing her hand as I started to pull her toward the all the seats at the back of the arena. "GET THEM!" Louis shouted. I could hear them start to run toward us.

   The storm outside was getting worst causing the light to start flicking on and off. Great. Brittany and I were running up the stairs when the light went off. "Lets hide here." I whispered pulling her down next to me. "Good idea. I we lost them." she whispered back. We were sitting on the floor between a row of seats.

   The lights came back on a minute later. "Great now they're to find us easily." she said trying to get lower. "What if..." I started to say before the lights went out again, "Lay down ." I stood up knowing it was dark enough that they wouldn't be able to see me. "Yeah." she said while moving to lay down.

   As I walked down the row some I saw flashlights being waved. They must really want to find us. I laid down a few feet away from Brittany facing her. "They have flash lights." I whispered to her. "Great." She whispered back.

   "Lets look up here mates." I heard Harry say sounding like he was getting closer. I got on my knees and started to crawl farther down the row. I looked in between the seats to see that they had shut their flash lights off. Great, hey wait where's Brittany. Oh no I left her. Oh well.   "AAAAHHHH!" I heard her scream not that far away from me. They must have found her.

  Niall's P.O.V.

  We were chasing the girls around the arena. I was closest to them when the light went out. I stopped for a second waiting for them to come back on. When they did I didn't see the girls anywhere. I walked back to the stage to meet up with the lads and figure out a plan.

   "So what do you think we should do?" Harry asked. "Well how about we split up and bring flash light this time." Liam suggested. "Why flash lights? They will see us coming." I said. "If they run because they see the light one of us are most likely to catch them." He explained.

 Louis had walked backstage when the light went out again. This going to be fun. He came back with five flash lights and handed us each one. "Lets go." I said walking off the stage. I decided to go back to where I saw them last hoping they were some where around there.

   I shut my flash light off when I got closer to where I was last. I walked thought a few row and found no one. "AAAHHH!" I heard a girls scream come from behind me. It sounded close, but only one scream not two. Did they split up too?

  I turned my flash light on and faced it in the direction of the scream to find Harry and Brittany. He must have scared her. I shut my flash light off again and walked up a few rows. I was walking when I saw someone laying on the floor. I got on the floor and crawled toward the person.

 As I got closer I could tell it was Alyssa. She had her head down so she couldn't see me getting closer to her. I was a foot away from her face when I whispered, "Ello luv."

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