Easy in The Eye

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I called Chris Evans just now to know how's he coping up with life after his first divorce. It's been 6 months now. He seemed like he's in the middle.  Especially when he heard the news that Denise was 2 months pregnant. And, the child was his. He was happy that it was his kid but not with the fact that he's not the husband anymore. There's a responsibility that he must hold. Even though things were not doing  well with Denise but he really cared about his son. I know one thing about a child that  it is not his or her fault. It's just that Chris was not used to this situation. He really stressed out. I told him to be strong. No matter what happened, he had to be there for his child. So, he needed to keep it all together. I knew. I had been there. It was not easy but life must go on. He didn't say much but I knew he needed me. And I certainly didn't know why I should. There's something about him. I just could not let go. I remember the night he came looking for me at the trailer. He was saying something in his sleep that was so deep and he was saying the same thing when I met him at the hospital years ago.

It was 1.00 am. Chris already slept. We talked about a lot of things that night. And  when he finally slept, I still could not sleep. I keep watching the clock on the wall. Then, when I'm done with the clock, my eyes caught the sight of Chris, sleeping soundly in the couch. I watched him sleep for hours. I felt calm and soothing when I saw his face. I got up from my bed and went near him and it's the sudden urge like I wanted to touch his face. As my fingers were about to touch his face, suddenly his hands grab my wrist and hold it tightly. I was startled but I kept my quietness as I watched him, still not opening his eyes. He was like in a state of dreaming. And very quietly, I heard him saying in shivers "Scarlett, I love you,". As he was still sleeping, he said other words but they're mumbled and I couldn't understand a word he was saying. So, I just waited until he stopped mumbling in his sleep. Then, I let my hands go from his grip slowly. The words were very slow but they were so clear. I still remember them. They were so pure to me. But, he acted normally in the morning. I had to go shooting and he went home with his fake mustache and beard. 

Rose: Mum, can you please take a look at this collage. Do you like it? (Suddenly Rose came and asked me about her school project.)
Scarlett: Hey, dearly. Let me see. ( I put my phone immediately on the table and saw her works) My Goodness, it is beautiful. It's family collage. But, why Uncle Chris is here? (I was so shocked to see Chris' picture pasted on my chest or should I say heart.)
Rose: Because he is always in your heart, right? (I didn't remember saying anything about that to her. Where did she get it?)
Scarlett: Come here. (I held Rose closely to me and said) You are in my heart too, dear. (And, I gave her a light kiss on her cheek. She smiles and  she kissed me back.)
Rose: I know mum. Thank you. Anyway, why Uncle Chris haven't come to our house yet? It's been a week I'm here.
Scarlett: He's got something else to do right now, Rosie. I called him just now and he's asking about you. Don't worry.

Suddenly, I heard a sound of a car parking.

Scarlett: Come on. Let's check it out. Who's coming?
Rose: That's okay mum. I'll be sitting here. Enjoy the view.
(Rose seemed to enjoy the view of the sea right in front of her.)
Scarlett: Ok, dear. You stay here.

I went to my front door and behind the glass wall, I could see Chris Evans, smiling at the front door. I smiled too and immediately opened the front door.

Scarlett: Hey, Chris...what a surprise! I thought you were in your hometown?
Chris: Hey, I thought I would give you some today.
Scarlett: What's calling you to New York, buddy?
Chris: It was you, you were calling me. Remember?
Scarlett: (I laughed because I did just now, literally.) Well, you looked different.
Chris: Different, how?
Scarlett: More managable.
Chris: Well, someone told me to hold up and move on, remember?
Scarlett: You're listening.
Chris: Well, yeah. You know, balance in life is important. I try and will always keep on trying. Thanks to you, my dear love.
Scarlett: (I was shocked to hear him say, "my dear love". ) My dear...what, darling? ( I tried to joke around assumming he was joking. Chris looked not happy. But, he was smiling again.)
Chris: My dear buddy, you sweet deaf. (I poured some drinks for him. He sipped a little. Then, Rose came in and shocked to see her favourite person in her house.)
Rose: Uncle Chris! You're here!
Chris: Hey, Rosie. Happy to see someone's missing me. Come here. Give me a hug. ( Rose ran to his arms immediately.)
Scarlett: She was just asking me about you when you came.
Chris: Really? What are you guys talking about?
Rose: Here. My school project. Do you like it?
Chris: Wow! Wonderful pictures, Rosie. Hey, you and your mother looks beautiful. So glad I'm here too. (I could see him smiling pretty widely. )
Rose: Yeah, that's what I told mum just now. That you will always in her heart. (Chris immediately looked at me. I quickly looked at somewhere else.)
Chris: Really? Good. Then, we can always be together. (I really confused with what Chris had literally said. He smiled at me. I uncomfortably touched my neck and sipped a drink.)
Scarlett: Well, it's hot don't you think? (I tried to change the topic)
Chris: Are u suggesting us to go and have a shower now, Scarlett? (Great. Now, he was making a big joke.)
Scarlett: No, I'm suggesting for Rose to turn on the air conditioner. Would you please, Rose? (I knew Rose seemed to feel a little bit weird with my instruction. But, she continued do so.)
Rose: Ok, here you go.
Scarlett: Thank you, dear.
Rose: Mum, Chris...I need to call up my good friend for a while. I'll be down in a minute after. Bye.
Chris: Is he your boyfriend? ( Chris teased Rose)
Rose: No, not there yet.
Chris: I'll see. (Chris smiled and said bye after that.)
Scarlett: So, are you gonna stay for dinner today?
Chris: Really? You're making dinner for me?
Scarlett: Coincidently.
Chris: Am I allowed?
Scarlett: Don't be such an asshole Chris.
Chris: Okay, okay. I'm sorry. I'd love to.
Can I stay for the night too?
Scarlett: Make yourself at home, but you need to help me making dinner.
Chris: It'd be great. I love the view of this house, Scarlett. It soothes my mind.
Scarlett: Don't you have the same kind of view at your home, Chris?
Chris: It did. It was on sale already.
Scarlett: Really? Why? It was really beautiful there.
Chris: It didn't give you much of a value if no one's to share such a view, isn't it?
Scarlett: (I was quiet. I knew how he felt. He must have felt very lonely at the house where he used to share with his wife.)

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