Chapter 17: No Other Choice

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Weaving through the panicked crowd, no one even seemed to notice my attire for the moment. Searching the sky for potential targets, I focused energy into my hands, and only glanced down to make sure I wasn't imagining the heat that was generating. I was rather pleased with the contained fire in my hands, and took careful aim at a Chitauri flying by; a fireball to the side of the head worked pretty well in making it crash into another one, sending both into the ground. Two down, who knows how many left.

It took awhile before I finally got an aircraft that still functioned once the flier had been taken care of, but then I had the problem of figuring out how the hell to fly it while not getting myself killed. It took several more minutes and about fifteen more charred Chitauri before I had enough of a handle to somewhat adequately fly to continue on with the fight.

I was pleased that when the Avengers took note of my assistance, they simply accepted it rather than try to ask who I was or assume I was helping the Chitauri. Thor gave me a confident grin when he saw me, expertly swinging Mjolnir at the attacking aliens. I had to jump ship when the front panel was blasted, and rolled to a safe position back to back with the thunder god.

"'Tis like our youth, is it not?" Thor chuckled deeply.

"You know it." I said, giving him a smile before returning my focus to the fight, at this point desparately searching for Loki from our position on top of the Avengers tower. Where was he? I could tell where the others were, but that was of no comfort to me.

"I am sure Loki is alright on his own; if there is one thing my brother can do, it is hold his own." Thor said, trying to assure me as he noticed my gaze had moved out past where we were. "But go, find him if you feel you must. I will hold this place."

I muttered a thanks, channeling the heat through my forearms as well as my hands at this point, but hesitated at seeing just how far down the ground was.

"Do not forget your skills, Sofyra! Anything you wish to do with your fire you are able to accomplish!" Thor reminded me heartily. Taking a deep breath, I stepped off the edge of the building, swirling the fire beneath my feet , and it was actually kinda cool; like I had created a moving walk way similar to the ones in airports. I went from rooftop to rooftop, losing track of the count I had against the Chitauri rather quickly. I had to find Loki. I couldn't risk losing him.

I was beginning to really hate how big this stupid city was, when I finally caught sight of Loki, who was slowly being cornered by Chitauri; I knew he had a plan up his sleeve for this, but I also could see the back-up that was joining the circle that he couldn't. Biting my lip as I tried to figure out what to do, I saw him glance up. Our eyes met, and I knew he had seen me, hesitating for a fraction of a second. And boy did he look furious when I joined him, fire literally blazing as I helped fend off the attackers.

"I thought I said to stay out of harm's way, not jump in beside me!" he said through clenched teeth, dodging a close shot from one of them.

"I thought I made it clear you don't need to try and stand alone." I responded, ducking just as one of them jumped at us, crashing into the wall behind us head-first.

"I will yell at you later."

"No you won't."

"Oh yes I will."

I opened my mouth to return with something witty, turning to face him slightly, when a Chitauri caught me right across the the side of the head, effectively knocking me to the ground at Loki's feet.

Ow. Just...ow. I thought with a grimace, sweeping my feet behind me to knock the Chitauri off its own feet before giving it a face full of fire. I quickly stood again, but was somewhat irked when Loki gave a wave of the hand to generate a temporary shield around us, deflecting their weapons and attacks as he checked my injury.

"You are bleeding, Sofyra. I do not like you being involved in my fight and getting hurt." he said with a frown as he gently touched the wound, but I pushed away his hand, trying not to focus on the fact some of my blood was now on his fingertips.

"I am not a child, Loki. This is my decision." I said softly. "Now put the shield down, and we will fight. I will help you in whatever way I can." I promised him, and he reluctantly did so after quickly surveying the area we were in.

"Follow me." he instructed, easily beginning to make a path away from the wall we had been cornered against. I did so, remaining only a few steps behind him at any given moment, though I wasn't too surprised to realise he was clearing the way to two currently empty crafts. "Trust me?" he asked.


I didn't mean to snark, it just sort of slipped out, but he hopped onto one craft, giving me a quick smile before taking off. I followed suit, wondering what he was doing.

"You realise this attack has been going on for nearly an hour, correct?" he asked as we zoomed along, each using our respective skills attack as we whizzed by Chitauri.

"Yeah, why?" What point was he getting at?

"Remember the events of the last Chitauri invasion?" he continued, and I nodded slowly after pulling up alongside him. "You realise then, what I must do."

I thought really hard about it for a moment, then knew exactly what he meant. And my heart dropped all the way down back to the ground, filling me with a sudden weight.


"No. I need to do this. Their army was split in two; this is the second half. I will cut off the main ship, and then it will be simple enough for the Avengers team and yourself to finish here in the city." he cut me off. I swallowed back tears and nodded again in understanding, though I hated this idea of his.

"Go and rejoin Thor. Do not tell anyone else of my plan. Understood?" he instructed calmly, though I could hear the underlying pain in his voice. He hated this as much as I did. Pulling a somewhat risky move, I reached over from my craft to his for a quick and passioned kiss before we had to separate ways.

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