chap24.)Home alone

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*Melody's P.O.V*
I can't believe my parents won't let me go to the talent show to make fun of my sister! I am stuck here alone and I got nothing to do... Now that I think of it,I wonder who is at the talent show . I don't care, I'm just going to enjoy some of my dorritos right now and see what's on Snapchat. Nothing new really. (Pet's name) is just playing around the room. What time does the show end? I am going to call my friend Gwen.
'She better answer...' I said to myself.* Bold-Melody,




' What are you doing? My parents didn't take me to the talent show.'

'I'm just doing homework.. Boring.'

'That sucks, I'm at home with (pet's name) just watching some PewDiePie and some Tyler Oakley.'

'Remember that one time when we stole a poster of Tyler Oakley at the store with (Y/N)?'

'Yeah,I remember! (Y/N) still didn't tell any of our parents.'

'Really? I thought she wasn't able to keep a secret!'

'I am serious!'

'I need to go now. I'm going to my cousin's birthday.'

'Tell her I said happy birthday!'
She hung up. Once again,I got nothing to do. I think I might just sleep but I'm too lazy to go get a blanket from my room.
You know what? I'm going to paint my nails with my mom's nail polish. She'll never notice. I want to my mom's room and start searching for nail polish. As soon as I find one that I like,I start to paint my nails.
~le short time skippie~
Now that my nails are dry, I'm going to go and take some McDonald's (Y/N) bought for me. (Alfred F. Jones: did someone say McDonald's?!) As I start scanning through the food. I noticed something strange about this order. They actually got my order correct for the first time in my life! How is that possible? No one gets my order correct! I think this might be witchcraft... Who cares, I'm still going to eat it. I turn off the t.v and start doing some of my homework. After I finished doing my homework I went on Wattpad to update a chapter. I've been on Wattpad since I saw (Y/N) writing something on it. When I read it I didn't want to tell her that her books are amazing. I want to know where (Y/N) hid the pop tarts since I am hungry.

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