#1 Patrick Kane

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"Why will you never come out on the ice?!" Patrick was frustrated with me, he had been trying to get me out on the ice for half an hour. But I wouldn't agree. We were at the United Center, Patrick had just gotten his new skates and he had tried them on the ice during their morning skate with the team.

He didn't know about my career ending injury, he thought I had quit hockey because of modeling, which wasn't true.

I felt horrible for not telling him the truth and I felt like it needed to be told. The truth is what keeps people together, right..?

Soon all the memories that I didn't want to remember came flooding back and I found myself in a flashback.

"Qvist! Up! Up! Up!" My team mate and best friend back then, Kylie McCarter, the center I played alongside with shouted, and I quickly skated up past her, standing a few feet away from the away team's goal.

What happened next happened all so fast it's only a blur in my head. I see a defender from the other team skate towards me and the next thing I know I fly across the ice and hit my knee on the goal post.

I scream out in pain and I can't feel my knee nor my leg that's beneath the knee. I grab the goal beside me and I curl my entire body except my right leg, up into a ball, I scream once again out of pain. You'd think that all the gear would've prevented me from hurting my knee and leg, but it had apparently slipped aside just enough so I would slam right into the post without any protection.

I hear the arena go quiet, my screams and the doctors and coaches worried shouts are the only sounds in the arena, that's filled with 15 000 people and two ice hockey teams.

I kick around with my left leg like mad. It hurts so damn much! Soon someone gets my helmet and gloves off before they take my hand in theirs, it's Kylie. "Amelia, look at me, look at me! Calm down." She tells me with a weak smile, I can see she's glancing at my leg every now and then.

Soon I feel someone else's hand under my head and another person grabbing my right hand, "Qvist!" "Qvist! Can you hear me?!" "Amelia?!" It's the team doctor, I squeeze his hand as hard as I can, but I don't think that it was that hard since he looked down to see that I actually was squeezing his hand.

"Amelia, you're going to be just fine, okay. Everything's going to be alright." He assured me. They lifted me up on a stretcher, making me comfortable. I hear the arena roar with cheers as I get rolled off the ice and into the ambulance. That was the last time an entire arena cheered at me.

"Doc, what's wrong?" I managed to ask the team doctor as we were in the ambulance on our way to the hospital with the sirens on.

I could tell he was hesitating if he should tell me, "Your calf bone in your right leg is broken and through your skin and your right knee is shattered." He told me, "Am I going to be able to ever play again?" I felt tears forming in my eyes. "Yes, everything's going to be alright, don't worry." He assured me and then everything went black.

"Everything's going to be alright." As if... After the injury I was never able to play ice hockey again on the same level, I was lucky I could skate around a bit and shoot pucks, to be honest I didn't want to step out on the ice either.

"Patrick, I need to tell you something..." I looked down at my fingers as I played nervously with them. I didn't know how he would react with me telling him that I had been lying to him.

"Princess, are you alright?" He sat down next to me in his hockey gear. I really missed the feeling of having it on me, but then again, I didn't know if I could ever trust the gear again.

"Yeah.. Uhm you know how I've told you that I quit hockey because of my modeling." I said, glancing over at Patrick, "Yeah. So?" He asked me, "Well it isn't true..." I couldn't bear to look at him. "Oh... Well why did you quit princess?" He asked me. I could clearly hear the disappointment in his voice. I couldn't blame him, I had been lying to him for almost half a year.

"Long story short..." I began and told him everything about my career ending injury, looking down all the time. As I was finished I felt a few tears roll down my cheek, but they were soon wiped away from a familiar thumb.

"Oh princess. Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Patrick scooted closer to me, lifting me up onto his lap. "I don't know to be honest. I just haven't told it to anyone that I have met after it happened." I managed to look up at Patrick. I saw he had tears in his eyes that were threatening to roll any second down his face.

I broke down into tears and felt Patrick's arms wrap around me even tighter. I could hear him soothing me, whispering sweet things into my ear. God I love this guy so much.


To be honest, this isn't my best one shot so if you'd continue reading I would appreciate it a lot!

But I really hope you liked it :)

Please tell me what you think, I really want to hear feedback so I can improve my writing.

If you want me to write a one shot to you please vote on this chapter. All the info is in the past chapter!

I love you, stay strong!

Emilia xx

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