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Hi guys!

I would like to thank you for the love and support you showed for One Side Lover.

I know, we can truly attest that once in our life we become Nine too.

Some of you ask, what happened to Drake why he wasn't mentioned in the last part of One Side Lover.

At the back of my mind, Drake  also had his own story tell and One Side Lover is the story of Nine's unrequited love towards her best friend.

It's better to write a separate narrative for him. When I was writing One Side Lover, I keep having visions of his story on multiple occasions this give me a thought maybe I should write it.

I'm not sure if I could give justice to his tale of heartbreak, regret and his journey to healing.

I need to place a trigger warning too for this story will be different , heavy and might discuss sensitive topics.

Please read it with caution.


I'm not sure on when I'm going to post the story but I'm hoping you'll never get tired of giving love for my stories.

Thank you so much guys!

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