Final Part

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Y/n was feeling like as if she was the most happiest girl to exist. Yoongi talked to her parents and asked for their permission if he could make their only princess his life partner. Y/n parents were a kind of very updated and modern parents. They asked bout Y/n's opinion bout the marriage and she nodded positively and seeing the bonding of love between the two children, her parents agreed to marry off their child to Yoongi. They felt that their child was going to marry off to a right person. Y/n and Yoongi was glee in happiness after  hearing the positive positive reply from her parents. That day everyone played with the colours of happiness altogether.
         Yoongi and Y/n kept dating for 4 more yrs and finally began a new era of their life. The two bird's family was completed after 2 yrs with the birth of their daughter(Yumi) and they lived happily ever after.
             HAPPY ENDING💜💜

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