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Ben & Jerry are now the only men in my life that I know I love.

How can people be so cruel? Especially when they left you as an innocent child. I just can't help but cry every time I picture that asshole Allen on my couch, staring at me like he actually loves me. I know he doesn't. He even used to hit his own family. In what way is that called love?

I dug my spoon into the ice cream carton and continued to shovel cookies & cream ice cream into my mouth. Tears stained my cheeks as I'm watching Adventure Time.

I'm just glad that I had Jake and Luke left while they had the chance. I really didn't want them to hear the shit that was pouring out of Allen's mouth.

I heard a knock on my door and I ignored it. It's probably mom, but I've been shutting her out for about three days. I haven't talked to her once because of her bringing Allen around. "Chris? Chris, honey, please open the door," she asked softly. "Please don't make me go all Frozen on you. I'm not very good at singing."

That was just a cruel joke. Not because it's Frozen, but simply because she knows that it will cheer me up and make me laugh. I turned the TV up and continued eating. But that really didn't stop her from trying. "Chris, please, I know you're in there," she started to sing Ana's part in Frozen when they both lost their parents.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to the door, leaving my ice cream on my nightstand. I opened the door ajar and looked up at mom. "What?" I asked coldly.

"Chris, please come out and talk to me," she begged.

I looked down at my cuticles and picked at them. "I don't know if I should, after all, you put me in the same room as the man who ran out on his family."

She looked sad. "I did it because I thought you would want to reconnect with him. He told me about that call that he made to you, and he wanted to see you."

I gave her a blank stare. "Does it look like I want to rekindle a relationship with my sperm donor? No. When he called, it was short, and I hung up on him."

She scoffed and crossed her arms. "Please stop being stubborn. You know you get that trait from me. And I know how stubborn you can get, which is why I don't want you to be."

I rolled my eyes and pushed passed her. I started to trudge down the stairs, but she grabbed my arm and yanked me back. "Please don't go downstairs," she ordered softly.

"And why not?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"Because you really won't want to see what's down there. Just stay up here and talk to me."

I ripped my arm out of her grip. Now I really have to go down there and see why she's being so weird.

I went down the stairs and my eyes widened immediately when I saw Allen, hand in hand with.... another man.


Now I think I just threw up everything that was even half digested into my system. That was the most disgusting thing ever.

It's not like I'm homophobic or something, just that Allen had a wife and three kids, and now he's with a man.

All of the contents of my stomach went into the toilet when I rushed to the bathroom. They weren't just hand in hand, they were making out, which is disgusting!

I heard a hard knock on the door, the pounds making me feel more sick. "Chris! We need to talk about this!" Allen shouted.

The image of their make out came back into mind, and I threw up again. My hair was starting to get in my face as I leaned over the toilet bowl. "No, we really don't!" I shouted between my gagging.

I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and walked to the sink to clean myself up. My hair was a mess from pushing it out of the way, and my mouth was covered in half digested ice cream.

I brushed my teeth and pulled my hair back into a messy bun. When I finally felt healthy, I opened the door and found Allen standing in front of me with a worried look on his face.

I cursed under my breath as I pushed passed him and made my way to the kitchen. "Christina, are you alright?" he asked.

I looked over at him and gave him a dull look. "No. I just saw my biological father sticking his tongue down another guy's throat. Does that seem okay to you?" I snapped.

"Well, no. I guess not for a young lady your age, but you need to know that it wasn't even my intention for you or anyone to see that."

"Keep it at the house, Al," I replied, patting him on the chest.

"Look, I'm really sorry. But the reason I couldn't come around is because you were too young to see me with Rob. Your mom never wanted you or your brothers to see me like this, so she always called it off when I ever tried to see you."

"That's a load of shit. Just, please leave."

He stepped closer to me. "Christina, please forgive me."

"No. Just leave!" I screamed.

He backed away and left the kitchen. Good. Now I can think clearly and maybe call Luke to see if we can hang out.

I let out a heavy breath and pulled out my phone to call Luke. I haven't even told him anything or talked to him since three days ago. I keep getting texts nonstop, but I ignored them because I wanted to be alone so badly.

I dialed his number and held the phone to my ear. "Hello?" his sweet voice asked.

"Hey, Luke, it's Chris. Do you want to hang out?" I asked.

"Chris? I haven't talked to you in days. Of course I want to hang out. Come by my house, the boys want to see you, too."

I rolled my eyes playfully and smiled. "Okay. I'll be there in a few."

I hung up and grabbed my keys, going out of the front door and jogging on the pavement to get to my car. "I see you drive her," said Allen from his car on the street.

I looked over at him and narrowed my eyes at him, then ducked my head down to get in. I revved the engine and sped out of the driveway. I definitely don't want to see him for too long.


Author's Note

Two more chapters!!! I laughed so hard when I made Allen gay. Only because your dad usually isn't gay if he's your biological father. I'm sorry if that offended any of you in any way, that's not my intention.

So. Next chapter will be good, then we have the last chapter!!! I any believe I wrote a book this long! I'm further than the people who have been writing for close to a year on their book. That's what happens when you have so much time on your hands.

Teaser: The boys come around again, and some shocking secrets come revealed! Well, hopefully they do anyway.

Love ya! <3

~Debi ^-^

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