The Good Die Young

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The Good Die Young

If only the good die young

Will prayers help the old sinners?

And get into heaven when the their final hymn is sung

Will they eventually become the winners?

For the good people; are their deeds rewarded early?

And get to see heaven's light?

Lessons in life they must have learned surely

I can't understand this phenomenon

But I guess it makes sense

That the good can go into the great beyond

And maybe the sinners are dense?

Maybe the lessons are not complete

And they need some extra time

To complete their mission in life

And atone for every crime

Maybe atonement for every sin or thought

For every action whether done or crossed their mind

And for each repercussion brought

That they must understand and find

If only the good die young

Then maybe we should learn

Before our last hymn is sung

Learn what to finish in life until death we earn

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