The Life Stamp

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This is a common story of C3F65P46Q89 and me.
Die deutsche Version dieser Geschichte ist auf dem Account von C3F65P46Q89 hochgeladen. ;)

"What's going on?" asked the other guard confusedly. "Look at his number", he whispered. He went over to him and turned his wrist, he turned pallor, on his wrist there was a 10. Ten, that meant they had just wiped a person of rank and names. There were severe consequences for them and their families.


"Lenny" it sounded into the Forest. "Yes Mom, I'm coming!" answered the called was seen a shape at the edge of the forest. He had a crossbow on his shoulder, and a pheasant dangled on his hand back and forth. The mother had already gone into the small farmhouse that had come down, when Lenny stepped through the door and the mother saw the pheasant , she scolded: "You're not supposed to shoot the king's pheasant. Aren't you in senses? That last time they caught you know you'll spend two weeks in the dungeon" she screamed now. "You know they were still gracious, right?" asked his mother at the end. "I know, but this time they didn't see me. I swear it" "Okay, but hide it" answered the mother. So the topic was off the table for now. Lenny went to get his little sister Sophie and his brother Josh. Then there was a very simple dish. It consisted of cereals and mushrooms. After they had all drunk this broth. Did Lenny have to go to the field because harvest time was upon us and the tithes for the church were not nearly together yet. It was getting later, the sun had given way to the moon. Lenny had cleared half the field of the honours with his scythe he still wanted to tie them together and so stayed out a bit longer. It was already deep night when he loaded the carst with the barley he had harvested. Tomorrow he only had to count them deksel and then count the tenth and then still through the woods to the city gate and then gave them to counters there. But first he had to sleep even if it was only barley it was heavy, because they had harvested almost a hundred kilograms of barley which had to pull alone this to lack of a daughter animal. His little sister wanted to go with him. After a quick breakfast he left the house and went into the Provisional Barn and counted the tenth. He had counted it several times. Then he put everything on the cart and left the farm without his sister because her mother did not want to. He had taken a small piece of a loaf of bread with him as proviant. He had already made it halfway and wanted to take a little break. He pushed the cart to the side of bread and as he was there so long he fell asleep. How woke up after a few hours and was horrified at how late it had become. He jumped up and now ran as fast as he could towarst the city. He could tell by the position of the position of the sun what time it was. He could already make out the city walls. He strained harder once more and ran even faster with the cart. He was just outside the city gates. On the market place of the city of Hanover the counters of the tenth had registered their stand here. There was only one name missing from their list had ten minutes until his tithe was considered undelivered at the church clock Lenny saw that too. He ran faster again and got the last of his strength out of his legs for another minute. He gasped, his feet aching him, his lungs not wanting to take this much longer. When he was finally completely out of breath just before the market place the church clock struck 6:00 o'clock, he had come too late. He had not paid the tithe. He left the cart and ran towards a fat man. " Forgive me for being late I'm Leonardo Clivia I'm here to pay the tithe!" Then the man turned and said, "I forgive your disturbance, but you are too late. Too late means they haven't paid their tithe. For their sake, I hope they know the consequences. Good afternoon".Then he shoved him aside and, as a matter of course, went towards a guard patrolling there and asked him: "Does this cart belong to the young man behind?" The guard replied, "Yes, he left it there." The man then thanked her for her information and pulled the cart in the direction of the others. After he had filled the grain there, he went back to Lenny. " Here's your carren he's yours." Lenny was about to shout at the man when the man grabbed him by the wrist, looked at him and muttered, "A 3". Then he added, "Watch what you say. I can immediately make blasphemy out of them and they will be hung up on the next lantern." Fucking numbers he thought, because those numbers told what kind of status a person had and a 3 was obviously not good. Which is why Lenny didn't answer, because he wanted to live so badly. He tenth but nobody would care. In the middle of the night, they heard a loud hoof banging and shortly after, there was a knock on the door. Asleep, Lenny went to the door, but he quickly woke up when he realized who it was. He opened the door and by now Lenny's mother had joined. She was confused and wanted to know what was going on. " It's all good I'll be back soon", says Lenny more to calm himself. " You say you'll be back soon?! That riot out there. They're arresting you!" she shouted." Don't worry, I'll get out alive again", he tried again, but she just looked at him in disgust. The guards came in, so she couldn't say anything more. They roughly grabbed him, pulled his arms back and then put chains on him. In addition, he was handcuffed by the legs, after which he was taken away and taken to a small iron cart. He smiled at his mother for a moment, somewhat tortured, before the car left. The drive to the prison was long and arduous. The many stones on the paths were an agony with the unupholstered car. But if that was an agony, then what awaited him in prison was another agony altogether. When he arrived at the Federal Prison Boden-Werder he was first registered. A skinny man with an absurdly long beard sat across from Lenny and narrowly asked, "Name?" Dude?" and "number?." Lenny answered, "Leonardo Clivia", "17", "3." then he was provided with a stinking and most probably never washed clothes. Then two uniformed guards took him away and shoved him into a dirty cell, a rat escaped through a hole in the wall, while the guards locked the door and then disappeared. Lenny walked through the small room and sat down on the straw soiled with rat feces. He leaned his head against the wall and could do nothing but wait, he did not know when, but at some point he was asleep. The wind was blowing at night through the partly already fallen walls, which meant that Lenny could not sleep very well. After a night without much sleep, he was woken up early by a guard who beat his baton against the bars. It meant that it was breakfast time, and all prisoners had to step out of their cells in turn and were taken to the small canteen. The food consisted of a lumpy dry mash, which unfortunately did not taste better than it looked. When they were all about to march back to their cells, one of the inmates put a leg on him, he stumbled and fell. One of the guards noticed this and rushed over. His cell was not particularly further grabbed him and pressed him violently against the bars. He pulled him by the collar into his cell and hit him on the back of the head with the stick, causing him to collapse on the floor. Blood dripping to the floor. Two of the inmates had to drag him to his cell, and he was then chained to the wall by his wrist on chains at the guard's orders. Lenny woke up with his head pounding and noticed by his immobility that he was tied up. He still couldn't sort out his thoughts, he didn't even remember how he got here. When the guard realized he was awake she grinned slightly "There's more trouble for yesterday, I tell you!" Confused, Lenny looked at him, but the guard ignored it. A higher guard has now been called in. This one, the guard who had grinned at Lenny like that, and another came. The cell was unlocked and they entered. The guard now went to two wheels where they could adjust how high Lenny's chains were. The guards lowered him a little so that he could just barely reach the ground with his feet. Now Lenny noticed that the guard with the higher rank held a whip in his hand. She stepped behind him now, he had never felt anything like this before, but of one thing he was sure, this would not be pleasant. Now he heard the whip flying through the air and only a few seconds later the whip hit his back. A scream escaped him, it burned like hell. Then the whip struck him again, this time he shouted even louder than before. Even with the next blows, he managed to keep on roaring louder and louder. His back was bleeding, which the guards didn't care at all, and he even seemed to enjoy torturing him in this way. Now his legs were chained to the ground by the guards and the shackles on his arms were pulled higher, it now resembled a stretch bench. But it was not enough for the guards, because they didn't even seem to think about stopping the whip. His back was now rush with blood. " I think that's enough for now, we'll be back in a few hours", grinted the one who had whiped him. "Losen the shackles he then said disparagingly to the other two." Of course, sir", they answered nodding. The one finger to loosen the ankle shackles. First the two on the left. Lenny's body when they were loosened, he was much too weak to stand on his feet now. As he passed by, the guard tapped his handcuffs twice on his back. Lenny gasped painfully, he would have screamed again if he had had the strength to do so. Now the guard began to loosen the knot on the wrist with the number. He loosed the knot with ease, but when he released his wrist, the guard retreated in fright. Lenny just dropped to the ground. " What's going on?" asked the other guard confusedly. " Look at his number", he whispered. He went over to him and turned his wrist, he became a cheese pall, on his wrist was a 10. Ten that meant they had just whiped a person of rank and names. there were severe consequences for them and their families.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2021 ⏰

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