Let's try this one more time

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Let's try this one more time.  I am Y/n Parker.  Son of Peter Parker, yes, that Peter Parker. The one that works at Midtown High and Stark Labs as head scientist.  Or, you may know his alternate persona, the Spiderman.  He was bitten by a radioactive spider and gained superpowers.  He went into wrestling, watched his father figure, Ben, die, and swore that he would listen to his uncle's dying words, "With great power, comes great responsibility."

He met my mom, MJ, she found out that he was spiderman, and they had many adventures together.  Eventually, Dad proposed.  And now I'm here.  Like my father, I have the abilities of a spider.  Except for webbing.  One day, my father fought Doc. Ock and was paralyzed from the waist down.  With no other choice, I became Spiderman in my father's place.  So for the last 5 months I have  been,

Spiderman Beyond

(And will someone do a spiderman unlimited theme/batman beyond theme mashup already!  I would but I don't know how to do song mashups.

(And will someone do a spiderman unlimited theme/batman beyond theme mashup already!  I would but I don't know how to do song mashups

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I'm swinging around New York looking for crime when my Spidy sense goes off.  I let go of the web and drop just as a bullet goes through the space I was just in.  I look to my left and see a man with a skull mask on.  Task Master.  "Hey skull face, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I knew you weren't the real deal."

I cough and try and make my voice sound like my dad's, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Wrong height, body shape, and voice.  You aren't him.  Which means that the real one is gone.  Otherwise he would of put a stop to you by now."  Taskmaster points his pistol at me and fires.  "But I still need you out of the way."

So he went into this fight thinking that I'm Dad, which means that he hasn't done his research and doesn't know my complete move set.  Let's shake things up with some improved spider martial arts.

Yn launches forward and dodges the bullets.  He corkscrews past a few and grabs Taskmaster's head.  He uses his momentum to bring his knee up and slams it into Taskmaster's head, sending him sprawling back.  Yn lands on his feet and webs Taskmaster to the floor.  Taskmaster rips through the webs and charges at Yn.  Yn performs a back flip and kicks Taskmaster in the chin.  He lands and grabs Taskmaster's foot and slams him into the ground.  He then pulls Taskmaster up by the front and pulls him past.  As Taskmaster flys by Yn knife hands him to the back of the neck, subduing him.

"Well that was easy."  I say, webbing up skull man.

I swing back home, and crawl in through the window.  It reminds me of my dad's old stories of him sneaking in and out, avoiding Grand Aunt May at 15 to save New York city, one hotdog vender at a time.  Except I was avoiding someone worse.  No, when she's angry, she's no longer human.

"Yn Watson Parker!  Please explain why you were out so late!"  I hear my mom yell.  I was caught, even though I had cloaking tech, I was caught.

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