Electro Beyond

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Spiderman Beyond is thrown through a billboard, bolts of electricity sparking off his suit.  He gets up, only to be tossed back down to the ground.  Over him hovers a girl with electric burn scars all over her hands and arms.  Her face is hidden by a yellow mask, not to different from Electro's own mask. 

"You're probably wondering what happened sense the last issue."  I look at the audience. 

"What are you talking about?!" the girl hovering over me yells.

"Well, to explain, let's rewind  to where the last issue left off."  I say, pressing a button on my arm, causing the pages to turn back.

"Here we are."

"What's that?" I ask, turning around and looking up to see, well, I'm not sure.

"It looks like a ball of lightning."  Miles says, rubbing his chin in thought.  "But why is that here?"

We look at each other and it clicks.  "Maxwell!"

"Who?" Doreen asks, looking through her deck of heroes and villains. 

"Electro."  Miles explains, while I push a button on my wrists, causing the web carousel in it to spin to my taser webs.

"Maxwell, get down and put your hands behind your head!"  I yell, pointing my wrists at the ball of electricity.  Instead of dissipating to reveal Maxwell Dillon, it revealed a woman, covered in electrical burns.  She falls to the ground and I use my webs to stop her fall. 

"Guys, isn't this Sammy?"  I ask, getting her free of the webs and carrying her over to Miles and Doreen.

"Who?"  Doreen asks.

"The girl that sits to my left in robotics."  I explain.

"Has she always had these?" Miles asks, pointing to her scars.

"No, what's happened to her?  I need to get to a lab." I tell them, putting her on my back and using webs to secure her there.  "I'll be at Midtown.  Miles, tell Kamala what happened.  Doreen, head home, I'll call when I find something out."  I slingshot myself into the air and swing to school.  Once I land on the building, I push a button on my chest, turning myself and Sammy invisible.  I crawl down to a window and open it, crawling up the ceiling and all the way to the biology class, grab some iv bags and stands, and crawl to the robotics class. 

I set Sammy down on the table, making sure she's comfortable, before putting in IVs and strapping on a heart monitor.  I draw some blood and grab some stuff from chemistry and get to work. 

"I don't get it.  Nothing is wrong with her DNA, same with her white and red blood cell count.  She isn't sick, and all her other systems seem to be fine.  She doesn't even show signs of electrocution.  What's wrong with you Sam?"  I sit down and tap my knee in thought.

My head snaps up.  I don't know what changed, but something is off.  I look around the room, and I hear something.  I turn around and see Sammy, in the corner, trying to get the IV tubes out.  "Sammy?  When did you wake up?"  I walk towards her to help, but her hands begin to spark.


"Hold on Sammy.  I'm here to help you.  I'm trying to figure out what happened, and how you got those scars."  I tell her in the most calming and reassuring tone I can manage.

"WHY DO YOU KNOW MY NAME!?  WHO ARE YOU?!"  Sammy screams, holding her hands in front of her to protect herself, her scars starting glow.

"Warning: large static buildup detected." SILK informs me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2022 ⏰

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