Bitch, You Ugly

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I pushed my shades up to cover my eyes as I stepped into the bright lit classroom. The whole school knows I have shitty eyesight and bright lights give me severe migraines. Most teachers are okay with it and dim the lights for lessons I'm in. However - this teacher - oh this teacher hates me. She makes her lights really bright and tells ne I need to take off my sunglasses. Like - hon - do you want me to go blind? or be sick in your classroom? but I have to deal with this 5 times a week and she always treats me like shit.

Taking my seat at the back of the class, I pulled my equipment out. The teacher walked in "Keylen, take those things off your face." She snapped, without even looking in my direction. i sighed, taking off my glasses, I winced as the light hit my eyes. Resting my head on the table, the other students filed in and the lesson started. About halfway through the door slammed open and I jolted out of my nap, jumping slightly in my chair. "Sorry miss, got into a fight, was with boss man and then went to med." The disturbance said. The disturbance being my best friend Ryan. "Just go and sit down Ryan." The teacher sighed, displeasure in her voice. The table shook slightly as he threw his bag onto the desk nd slumped into his chair. Tilting my head slightly, squinting my eyes I looked at him.

His fiery red hair looked like a bird had nested in it, his eye makeup was smudged and it looked like a beginning of a black eye, he was missing a lip ring with dried blood sitting where it should be from a split lip. He noticed me looking and gave me a toothy grin, wincing as it pulled on his split lip. "Who? What? Why? How?" I said shutting my eyes. He laughed and started speaking. "So Tanitha, that bitch, started chatting shit about me and...." I zoned out his voice faded till I could barely hear him

About five minutes later I zoned back in. "She said 'bitch you ugly' I said, 'bitch where?' she said 'underneath all that makeup' I said 'bitch where?' and she just went for me. So I slapped her, and she scratched at my face hence how I got these." He paused, probably gesturing to his face, so I just hummed in agreement. "So anyway, she punched me and split my lip, ripping where my ring would normally be and like - it's gonna heal up and I'm gonna have to get it re-pierced and then she spat in my eye - like bitch-" I zoned out there. Ryan has such a relaxing voice. I should get him talking about some random thing, record it, sell it as a sleep thing and make tons of money from it. "So she grabbed my hair and ripped it out, I probably have bald spots now - and loads of short sections. It's just bullshit." He whined.
"So anyway. What are we doing in this lesson?" He questioned. I opened my eyes slightly and raised an eyebrow. "You think I payed attention before you came and whilst you were speaking? Bitchface always makes me take off my glasses, so, I decided to sleep as I can't learn. Ryan, you should know I'm almost failing this lesson cuz of it." He laughed at my tired response. "Oh my God Key - you should still pay some attention to the lesson no wonder your perfect GPA went down after she took over." Ryan said whilst still giggling.

"However, I do know what's going to be on the test cuz I pay attention to the checklists she hands out so I revise. That's why I've not completely failed yet, dumbass." I sighed sitting up and putting on my sunglasses, looking over at the board. "Yo, Key, do you know you're really pretty? Like your eyebrow scar, those baby blue eyes, even though your pupils cover them 90% of the, it makes you look like a doll, so dainty and your tiny pretty petal mouth, yes you look like a mean lesbian at times, with your 'I hate men' attitude, but that makes you even prettier" Ryan rambled. "Huh? Where did all that come from?" I asked, turning my chair to face him before getting out wipes from my bag to clean him up. Ignoring the filthy looks from Bitchface at the front. "If anyone calls you ugly', duh, so you don't walk away and they continue picking on you so I don't start fights for- ow!" He rambled, pulling away and wincing as I touched the cut on his lip with the wipe. Taking his jaw in my left hand, I lightly dabbed at the cut. Him flinching and wincing as I cleaned the blood from the cut.

"You can put the ring back in, it didn't actually rip the piercing, that was just blood from the cut on your lip." I said after cleaning up his lip. Ryan handed me his ring, silently asking me to put it back in for him. Putting in his lip ring, I could feel his eyes on me. Pulling out two wipes, I used one to clean up my fingers, handing him the second one I said. "use this and take off your eye shit, you look like a fucking panda." He huffed and started rubbing his eyes, removing the makeup." you can redo my makeup later, right?" Ryan asked looking at me with puppy eyes. I nodded and handed him a hairbrush, Ryan is very picky about his appearance yet he will always get into fight because of it. So, I carry stuff around for him.

Turning back to face the front, I concentrated on my sketch book as the board was too bright even with my glasses on. Pulling out a pencil, I started doodling faces. Flipping the page, I looked at Ryan and started drawing him. "Keylen! Glasses off and focus on the work that's on the board!" Miss Bitchface called out.
"Miss, look, Keylen has trouble with bright lights, they make them feel sick, you know that, the whole school does. So, stop being such a Bitch and let them do their work in their own way. Oh and maybe dim the brightness on everything and maybe they'll pay more attention." Ryan said in a bored tone. I looked over at him and raised my eyebrow in a silent question of 'Why?' He smiled kindly as the teacher huffed and muttered about how students have no respect for their elders.

"Key- Key- Key- Hey, look at me!" Ryan started poking me with his pen. Turning to look at him, I glared at him from behind my glasses. "Hey- stop glaring at me- I just wanted to tell you that your drawing of me is spectacular and you need to finish it." Pulling my mouth into a :T smile, I continued on with the drawing. Finishing it, I pulled the page from my book and passed it to Ryan. He gasped and clapped like a little child. "I'm putting this on the wall with the other ones you've drawn of me!" he gushed. I gave him a thumbs up and rested my head on the desk as I could feel a headache building up behind my eyes and around my temples. Exhaling, I let my breathing even out as my eyelids started to feel heavy and hard to keep open, so I just let myself fall asleep.

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