Joe looking after Cherry ✨

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Joe's POV
I arrived at my restaurant, I still hadn't opened it up and want planning on it. Kaoru was injured, looking after him was my top priority. I looked through the cabinets, trying to find all the ingredients for the soup I was trying to make. When we were in high school I used to make this specific soup for him all the time when he was ill or injured. It never mattered what kind of injury/illness he had, I always made it for him. It was kind of like our tradition. It took around half an hour to make but it was pretty simple as long as you had the correct measurements and boil/cook the ingredients for the right amount of time. Ding! The door had opened, I turned around to see who it was.
"Hey, Joe! Aren't you supposed to be looking after Cherry?" Reki asked walking into the building with his usually cheery face, Miya, Langa and Shadow following behind. "What are you making?"
"Soup and it's for Cherry so you can't have any if that's what you were thinking."
"Nice, what kind of soup?" I groaned, why does Langa have to be so obsessed with food!?
"Can I just cook please Langa?"
"Sure," he replied sitting down at the counter. I was cooking whilst Miya and Shadow were in the corner discussing something and Reki and Langa sat at the front (probably talking about skateboards and skateboarding).

Cherry's POV
I was waiting for Kojiro to come with the soup so I was scrolling social media when I came across something Miya had posted. Wait- are thirteen-year-olds even supposed to have social media!? Then again he does skate in an illegal skating organisation. I took a look at his post and saw it was me and Kojiro cuddling! Fuck! It was even captioned 'matcha blossom finally sailssss 😼😼😼'. What the fuck even is 'matcha blossom' !? I thought over that for around five minutes and pieced together that it was our ship name. 'Matcha' being Kojiro and 'blossom' being me, how many people even ship this? Apparently, a lot of people because Miya's post had millions of likes (as there should be 😌). I wonder if Kojiro had seen this yet. When he gets here I'll show him. The door then opened and Kojiro came in.

"No nicknames again?" he replied but I just glared at him, "Ok, ok I get it! What's up?"
"Did you see what Miya posted on his Instagram?"
"No, I've been making soup for you so I had no time for that."
"Come here."
"Just do it!" then Kojiro just shrugged and walked over to where I was.

"So what is it that you have to show me?" I took out my phone and showed him the post Miya made. Kojiro's eyes widened, "Where did he get that?!"
"How the fuck am I supposed to know that, moron!?" I shouted back, Kojiro groaned.
"We'll ask Miya about it later. Right now you need to have your soup." He said shoving a bowl of it in front of my face.

Joe's POV

Kaoru looked down at the soup, then looked back up at me. "Smells as terrible as usual." He teased with a smirk, I rolled my eyes.

"Well if you don't suck it up I'm going to force you to swallow it." I teased right back at him, but Kaoru just laughed. His laugh was beautiful, it made me happy seeing him happy even though he's in pain. "How is it?" I asked.
"Surprisingly, it's tastes amazing," Kaoru replied with another one of his beautiful smiles.

"I'm glad," I said, taking a seat beside his bed. "Does your head still hurt?"
"It doesn't hurt as much anymore, but my back still hurts quite a bit."
"Should I give you a back massage?" I suggested and Kaoru's face brightened.
"Yes! You may be terrible at a lot of things but you're amazing at giving people massages!" He said, with yet another smile. After seeing his smile this many times in a day I think I can die happily now.

"Ok, turn around and lie on your stomach. It'll be better if I massage your bare skin so can you take off-" I was then cut off by Kaoru taking of his yukata so that the first half of his body had no clothes on. "I'm going to start now," I said waiting to see Kaoru's reaction and he just nodded. I massaged his back gently, trying not to unintentionally hurt him.

After around 5-10 minutes I stopped and asked him, "Does your back still hurt?" a minute went by and still no reply. "Kaoru?" Still no reply. I looked down to try to see his face. I let out a sigh of relief to see that Kaoru was only sleeping. I put his yukata back on properly and turned him so he was laying on his side. Then I took my things, turned off the light and left to go back to my place.

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