Chapter 9 - Breaking Down

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Janus normally liked winter.

It was pretty, with all the snow that fell and the leafless, lifeless trees. The stinging burn of the wind as it snuck under your jacket and shirt, the burn of hot drinks providing the only protection between you and the elements. He liked being cold more than being hot. 

But right now, he was sitting with his room, huddled underneath three thick blankets (some of which he'd managed to coax from Virgil) and wishing it was summertime right now.

A knock at his door. "Janus?" Logan.

"What's up," he asked, completely despising the way his jaw twitched as he spoke.

"We must go to exams, are you feeling alright?"

"Yeah, just great," he hissed through clenched teeth.

A short pause. "May I come in?"

He nodded before realizing Logan couldn't see him. "Yeah."

The door opened and the boy of his dreams stuck his head in, followed by the rest of him, then shutting it gently. "Are you sure you are alright?"

"No, yeah, I'm just cold," he said with a smile.

"I see," Logan nodded. "It might be a good idea to stop by the kitchens for a warm drink. Is that appetizing?" he offered.

"Yeah, sure." Janus removed the blankets, forcing himself to stand and pulling his hoodie tighter around him.

The two went down the halls, passing by the library they had discovered two weeks ago, and entered the med bay. They were each waved into a separate room and were instructed to fill out a small piece of paper attached to a clipboard

The paper had multiple questions on it. They seemed...blurry, flickering, like they were projected from above. He waved the paper. Nope, they were printed. He gripped the pencil, unsure whether his hand was shaking from nerves or temperature, and started to fill out the questions.

Name: Janus Heim

Force: 3

Considering the last week, have you seen a notable increase in nausea and/or fatigue? No

Considering the last week, have you seen a notable decrease in temperature and/or friendliness? Yes

Please provide an answer to the following question:

The colour favorite is... Green??

He glanced up at the med worker. "Is that it?"

"That's half of it," he smiled. Janus handed him the sheet and he glanced over it before setting it to the side. "We need your vitals, then you're done."

He walked out of the room ten minutes later, desperately wanting to just crash into his bed and wake up when life wasn't as exhausting. But Logan was waiting for him, and who would he be if he turned down hanging out with his one-sided, forever-unrequited love?

Another two weeks passed, and it was now March. The other five forces had had their Riders announced. Virgil had been picked, and had subsequently paced and ranted to Janus for fifteen minutes. Both of them ignored the fact that half of it was about Roman also being a Rider.

"I'm going to have to look at him, Janus, I can't survive like this," he muttered, his hair completely messed up due to him running his fingers through it nervously. 

"Why is that a bad thing, Virge?" Janus laughed. "Could it be, possibly, that our little emo has a crush?" he teased.

"No. Absolutely not," he hissed. "He's royalty, Janus, I just- no."

"Are you sure? You seem pretty worked up about-"

"Drop it, Jan," he said, quieter and more serious. "I just broke up with Remy. Sort of."

Janus groaned. "Rebound relationships are a thing, y'know."

"Says the guy who doesn't have the guts to ask out that nerd," Virgil shot back.

Janus jumped up, looking at the door. "Don't you dare," he muttered, glaring.

He raised an eyebrow. "Look, how about this. Since you're so scared, I'll be your wingman."

"You?" Janus sputtered. "You, the boy who can't even acknowledge-"

"Do you want my help or not?" Virgil crossed his arms.

"...Fine," Janus relented. "But don't make it obvious."

"Sure, sure."

"And in return, I'll help you with Roman," he smirked.


"I'll at least get you two closer. Platonically. Don't you want to be his friend?" 

"I don't want to be his anything-"

"You're going to have to work with him and trust him, dude, you might as well be his friend."

"...I hate you."

"You bring me happiness and fulfillment as well, thank you for the compliment."

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