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     Peace was once know though all the kingdoms.
     In the East ruled the Fairies, the kingdom Hespia was know for it's magic. Their land was covered in blooming flowers, tall hanging trees and clear waters. The Fairies themsevels were small and sparkled in the light. All of them blessed with beauty, however they can be vicious little creatures. The Fae people (otherwise known as seelies) live amongst them, as that's where they feel more comfortable expressing their magic. Most of them look similar to Elves, with the point ears and tall figure, yet the biggest differences is, seelies cannot lie.
     Opposite, in the East was Thurora, Kingdom of the Elves. They were tall slender creatures, with pale skin and long ears. Everything about them was graceful, from the way they walked, to the way they talked. They were the lands warriors, prepared to go into battle whenever they were called upon.
     Down to the south the Centurs rule Ceda, a kingdom covered in luscious grassland and forests. Centurs are the seers of the land, providing us with predictions and prophecies. Being noble creatures, they are loyal and a brave alli to their surrounding kingdoms.
     Trodian rests in the far North, filled with mountains. Where there are mountains, theres dwarves and goblins. They're worse then Fairies, stealing anything the has a slight glisten to them. Slaughtering anything that breaths. They may be small, but with a blink of an eye, they'll slash your throat.
     Within the east half of the sea, lay the kingdom of Zenia. Mermaids filled the waters, half human, half fish. They're gentle creatures, watching over the sailors and pirates.
     Not to be confused with Sirens in the West, the kingdom of Danada. Sirens are destructive creatures, luring men to the depths of the sea. Their oceans filled with evils darker than the waters themselves.
     The last kingdom isnt ruled by a creature of magic, or warriors of the earth. It is simply ruled by humans, or mundane as they call themselves. The kingdom of Allica is controlled by a small family of mundanes, yet the city is filled with creatures from Fauns and Nymphs, to Minotaurs and Orcs. Many different creatures reside in Allica, as the kingdom connects to all its allies. However this land is separated from Trodian by a thick patch of dry burnt land and outcasted demons. It has no specific name and belongs to no kingdom, its known as no mans land. It used to be filled with plush grass and vibrant flowers. Woodlands and creatures scattered throughout.
     When the last war broke out, it was demolished by creatures of dark magic and soul. Now over hundreds of years later, the land has settled and peace was everywhere, like the war never happened.

     "Emori slow down!" River yelled over the roaring winds, as he chased her along the forest edge. His red tunic russles in the air, blond hair blowing in his face.
"Both of you slow down!" An out of breath Sebastian cried, coming to a holt. His dark hair stuck to the sweat of his forehead, like his clothes to his body. The long sleeves of his navy shirt soaked, caused his arms to hang beside him.
"Come on guys, you're being beat by a girl." Emori turned around, her red hair surround her in the wind. She was a good few inches taller than Sebastian, and only slight taller than River, who was definitely going to end up being so much taller.
"We're not slower than you, we are just letting you win princess." River strode towards her, hand on the hilt of his dagger, a small smirk on his face. "Now what kind of guys would be we be if we beat the princess."
"You'd be honest men." She crossed her arms across her pale dress, which has turned dark on the hems. "Now River, how embarrassing would it be if people found out a noble elf lost to a mundane girl?" The girl chuckled, as she took a few steps back, ready to take off. "And you Seb, you better keep up if you want to be a guard one day." Still out of breath, Emoris mundane friend, stretched his back, still catching his breath. With a teasing wink, she was off.
     The leaves crunched under the boots of the young children, their laughter carried by the wind. Sebastian was able to catch up to River, yet neither of them were fast enough for Emori. River was an elf, most elves are tall, slender beings. They're known for their fighting skills, as most army's are made up of the. River was a high born, meaning he's been training his whole life, to soon take a position by Emoris side, as her protector.
     Sebastian on the other hand, was as mundane as she was. He wasn't as lucky as his friends to be a high born, however Emori never treated him any less. The three of them were inseparable. Whether it was due to the fact they were that close or preparing for future duty, or the fact that they both couldn't get enough of her. Her kindness and caring nature, drew the attention if every living thing.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2021 ⏰

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