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Today was the day. The day when Wilbur would get what he wanted, or what he thought he wanted.

He stood in the room. The room he'd been in countless times, he had lost count. He wanted to do it. He wanted to press the button. He wanted to get rid of it, rid of the problems, rid of all his work, rid of fucking everything. He worked so hard for this, why was he hesitating?

He sat in front of the button, heavily breathing. He wanted Philza. He wanted his brothers, Tommy and Techno. He wanted his friends, Tubbo and Quackity and-

And Schlatt. He wanted Schlatt. He missed Schlatt. Yeah, they had fallen apart over the years but he couldn't help it. He wanted the only person who really understood. And that thought alone caused him to change his mind.. maybe, just maybe, he and his old friend could finally work something out?

He stood up. He could visit another day, or maybe not at all. Maybe he could avoid this once and for all. Then it happened. He saw the chat.

jschlatt fell out of the world.

He forced a laugh. He laughed and laughed until he was sobbing. His world was just stolen from him.

He broke down in sobs infront of that damned button, forgetting what he had just told himself. This fucking country robbed him of his best friend.

"Wil. What are you doing?" His breathe hitched. That voice- could it be? "Phhil..?" He managed to force through sobs. "Wilbur. Step away from that button." He heard his father say, sternly. He shook his head, staring down at his hands. "Wilbur. Step away from th-"

He snapped. Why did Phil care now of all times? "WHY. WHY NOW PHIL? WHY ARE YOU SUDDENLY PAYING ATTENTION TO ME NOW? WHY DONT YOU GO HANG OUT WITH YOUR FAVORITE KIDS-" He spat out through his sobs. He could hear almost hear his fathers frown as he spoke carefully. "..Wilby, we can talk about this y'know? C'mon mate.. You got it back! You dont need to blow anything up."

He started to tune out his poor fathers words. Whatever he said, it wouldnt change his mind. He needed this place gone- The country was a mistake. He was a mistake.

He hovered his hand over the button. He could only hear one thing fall out of his fathers mouth as he finally pressed down. "He's dead, Wil! You got what you wanted! Schlatts dead, you got to your goal."

Those words circled his mind as he heard the first tnt light and explode, followed by another and soon enough, all he could hear was the explosions.
"Phil. Phil I want you to kill me."

He could hear his fathers breathe hitch, but he didn't care. He wanted out of this fucking world. "Wwil- What..?," "Phil please. Take the sword and stab me. Please Phil." The tears fell harder from his eyes as he turned to finally face his father. "Wilbur I- I cant kill you- Your my son!" He wasnt phased by his father anymore. "You are not my dad. I am not your son. Kill me Phil! Killza! Stab me, Killza!"

All he heard was ringing as the world went white around him. He didnt know where he was, or what he was doing, apart from the fact his chest really hurt. He didnt completely understand but he could figure it out later-

"..Wilby,? The fuck you doin here..?"
He turned and looked at his best friend, and gave him a big smile.
"I.. wanted to be like you."

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