Prologue: Part 1

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Brooklyn, 1940

SMOG FILLED STREETS and growling car engines are a staple of my everyday life. Routine isn't exactly my thing, but barely a day goes by when I don't walk down the roads of Brooklyn. Steve always says to be home before dark, so when I notice the burgeoning night sky on the horizon, I add a skip to my step.

Bucky'd have a heart attack if he knew I were out alone at night.

A brightly-lit candy store catches my eye and I stop in my tracks. What he doesn't know won't hurt him, I figure and bound across the street.

I have a few pennies left over from the money Steve gave me for new shoes. Against my better judgement, I take my time in the candy store, examining each colourful, sugary treat before picking out a lollipop and heading on my way. It's well and truly dark by the time I arrive home, sneaking through the door in the hopes that Steve won't notice.

"Flo, is that you?"


"Yeah, it's me!" I call out, dropping my new shoes onto the floor. They hit the floorboards with a dull thud.

Steve and Bucky emerge from the lounge room of our small apartment, wearing matching disapproving looks.

"The moon's barely out," I protest before they can even get a word in.

"We were worried," Steve says. He has the disappointed big brother voice down pat. It makes a knot of guilt twist my stomach.

"How many times do we gotta tell you to be home before dark?" Bucky questions, reaching out to pick up my new shoes. I snatch them back before he can. "What are those?" His blue eyes sharpen.

"They're my new shoes," I say proudly.

Steve's narrow face pales, his bony shoulders hunching into his small frame. "Flo, please tell me you didn't spend the money I gave you on a pair of unwearable heels."

"They're so pretty!" My voice goes high. "Look, they're all red and grown-up!"

"You're eleven, you can't wear those," Bucky is exasperated, as he often is with me. "You needed to get sensible shoes. We'll have to take them back in the morning."

I pull the shoes close to my chest, hugging them tightly. "No! No way! They're mine!"

Bucky reaches for them and I duck past him, vaulting over the couch. But he gets an arm around my waist, pulling me back toward him and plucking the shoes from my grip. I struggle against him, my elbow catching his firm chest.

Steve pinches the bridge of his nose. He is in a constant state of exasperation at our ongoing shenanigans.

"Stop!" I screech, trying to get the shoes back from Buck, who holds them high above his head, where I have no chance of reaching.

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