Perspective by Mysterymixtapes

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All credit goes to the owner of the edit above.
The smut chapter titles are in bold.


Chapter 1: It's Drew talking to someone to just drop it, we find out that it's gizmo and he had her phone in his mouth, Frankie calls and he wants her to be there for Alex's birthday, we get to know minor details about her, he comes to pick her up later. 

Chapter 2: Drew sees a guy smiling at her so she decides to hide, she goes into a room where a guy is getting a bj, that guy is Harry *gasps*, she then pretends to be blind and make some awful excuse, she goes to stand on a deck and is talking to herself when Harry makes a sudden appearance.

Chapter 3: It's mostly Drew trying to get rid of him, he's just being cheeky and infuriating, he accuses Drew of being blind and proceeds with the flirting, she tells him that she got a bf whose name is Gizmo, Harry gives her the nickname "Heartbreaker".

Chapter 4: We get to know Drew a bit more, we get to know about her mum and what she's like, Drew writes about green eyes in her journal but is confused about what she felt.

Chapter 5: Drew is thinking about Harry and we get to know her a bit more, she's playing Bohemian Rhapsody while cleaning the house, suddenly Harry is there and turns out he's Frankie cousin, he's gonna live with Frankie now, Harry finds out Gizmo is actually a dog makes a cheeky comment about Drew's underwear before leaving.

Chapter 6: After work Drew goes over to Frankie's house to pick up Gizmo, Harry is cuddling with Gizmo and suggests to Drew that she should just stay over, Drew comes up with excuses but Harry comes up with solutions for them.

Chapter 7: Drew's wearing Harry's shirt and not answering him, he continues making comments towards her, they talk a bit and he's making moves on her again, she's shutting each one of it down, later on, goes to sleep done with his shit

Chapter 8: Drew get a nightmare in which her parents are fighting and hitting each other, she's six years old, she wakes up all startled and realizes she's still at Frankie's house and in Harry's shirt, she goes into the kitchen after Gizmo, Harry is there and he asks her if she's okay, Frankie wakes up and is pissed.

Chapter 9: Frankie thinks that they had sex until Drew clears it up and says no, Frankie warns Harry to stay away from Drew, Harry is not having any of it, he finds out that Drew hasn't slept with anyone in two years, Harry is walking away and Drew trips him. Harry asks her out but Drew says unless he sees a pig with wings it's a no.

Chapter 10: Drew meets with Mel today(her psychologist), they talk a bit about her mom, her journal and nightmares. Drew is back at home, Harry comes to pick her up cause they had plans, shows her the pig with wings ornament *smirks*and Drew agrees to hang out with him. 

Chapter 11: They're playing and share some passive-aggressive comments towards each other until Harry tells her that they should play pool and if she wins, he'll stop bugging her and leave her alone for good but if she doesn't then she'll have to really have fun tonight, Drew agrees.

Chapter 12: Drew is losing the game and Harry suggests helping her, lots of tension later, he's intrigued about her not having sex for two years and is making a lot of sexual innuendos, he distracts her and she loses. 

Chapter 13: Drew is not dancing so Harry decides to give her a lap dance until she dances with him, midway Drew stops him and agrees to dance, a woman approaches Harry and gives her number to him for later. Harry again makes a deal with Drew, she can ask one question and he can ask one in return, they talk a bit and Harry tells that he's been married before, they drink some more have a wild night, Drew wakes up freaked out that Harry's in her bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2021 ⏰

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