The skys have eyes and the walls have ears. They're both gossiping bitches

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Some say the young god moved to the desert
Some say he toiled endlessly to find a way to use his powers to revive his friend
Some say while doing this he created many small doll like totems that were scattered to the wind when they "didn't work"
Some say there was a book with all his findings in it
Some say a certain ram stole that book
Some say a sailor once found this god and took him in after hearing his tale
Some say he made a replica of his old home in this desert
Some say he still holds himself down after the tragedy, renaming himself "foolish" as to never forget his mistakes
Some say he hates the color red because of all the blood he once saw
Some say he adopted a child so he could give a kid the life he always wanted
Some say centuries later he left his desert home to see what the outside had become, finding that the era of gods has passed and he is the only one left in the mortal realm
Some say on his journey he mistook a blonde boy for his past friend. Sneaking up on him and scaring him only to find out it was a different person.
Some say he barely uses his ocean powers out of respect others say it's out of sadness
Some say he still visits his friends grave
Some say after what happened, that very war zone was cursed to become a now blown up nation
Some say he still hasn't recovered from centuries of isolation
I say he never will .|

-End of epilogue-

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