Best friends brother (N.H)

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You were best friends with dawn almost your entire life. She was like your sister. You've always been close with her family especially Nicky. You had a crush on him but no one knew.. not even dawn.

I was going to dawns for a sleepover and I was super excited. 1. Because I got to see Nicky 2. Me and dawn haven't had a sleepover in such a long time!

I got to the harpers house and knocked on the door
Dicky answered

Dicky: oh hey y/n!
Y/n: hey dicky! Where's dawn?
Dicky: she's upstairs you can come in!

You walked inside and saw Nicky on the couch and froze up

Nicky: hey y/n
Y/n: h-hey Nicky! Well I'm gonna go upstairs with dawn bye!!

Nicky POV
When y/n got here I was so nervous I had a crush on her for years but no one knew. I couldn't tell dawn it would be like taking her best friend away from her

I went upstairs to dawns room
Dawn: omg hey!!
Y/n: heyy!
Dawn: so what do you wanna do?
Y/n: Ooo how about truth or dare
Dawn: sounds fun let's do it!

You guys playing*

Y/n: ok dawn truth or dare?
Dawn: dare
Y/n: I dare you to go downstairs and say straight to your brothers faces who your favorite brother is!
Dawn: alright let's go!


Dawn: hey boys guess what?
The boys: what?
Dawn: rickys my favorite brother!!

She runs back upstairs with you following!

Y/n: that was hilarious did you see their faces!
Dawn: omg yes!

Back to playing*

Dawn: y/n truth or dare
Y/n: dare
Dawn: I dare you to tell me who your crush is

At this moment you were so scared and froze up not knowing what to say

Y/n: um..
Dawn: you can trust me
Y/n: fine ok..Nicky..

She looks shocked but then she starts smiling

Dawn: omg y/n and Nicky awww
Y/n: your not mad?
Dawn: nope infact I want y'all to date!
Y/n: ok ok let's calm down dawn truth or dare
Dawn: truth
Y/n: is it true Ricky is the favorite brother
Dawn: yup!!
Dawn: y/n truth or dare
Y/n: dare
Dawn: I dare you to go downstairs and tell Nicky you like him and kiss him
Y/n: ..alright..


Y/n: Nicky..can I talk to you?
Nicky sure

Y/n: Nicky.. I uhh like you a lot and I have for a while now

You are so nervous at this point

Nicky: I like you too

You kiss him. It was both of y'all's first kiss and yet the best one ever


And that's how I ended up dating my best friends brother!

Hey y'all hope you enjoyed this little Nicky imagine!
This took me a little bit to write idk why but enjoy and have a good day/night!

Aidan Gallagher imagines🤍Where stories live. Discover now