Chapter I don't even Care anymore...

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Taylor's pov.

"Alright! Jarvis! Drum roll please!" yelled Syd as she stood on the make shift stage infront of us.

Jarvis played a make shift drumroll through the tower's speckers.

"Ladies and Some what gentalemen!!!" She continued taking into the microphone she held in her hand,"We are proud to welcome you all to.... LETS BE SUPERHEROES!! The gameshow where you make suggestions on what our two contestents superhero names should be! And Help design their costumes!"

It was 8 pm right now and all the Avengers had gone out for an night on the town, leaving us J.A's home alone. In the three months I had been here with Jill we had been training to become J.A's and tomorrow was our final test. The other J.A's had this tradition of helping each other choice the other's superhero name and design the costumes the night before their final test. The other kids besides Tesa had all done it and now it was me and Jill's turn.

"Now lets have our two contestents come on up!" Syd encouraged waving me and Jill up.

Me and Jill smiled acwardly as we walked onto the makeshift stage and sat in the two spinning bar chairs that had been placed in the middle.

"On the right side we have Jillian Howlet! Give her a round of applasuse everyone!" Syd continued as the crowd, which was only Pym, Tess, Alva, and Dustin whistled and cheered. "Jill here is the daughter of Wolverine and possesous his healing factor but not his signaure claws! But instead she can turn any kind of powderly substance like sugar or sand into poisenous gas of her choice! Need to knock someone out!? She's your go to girl for that knock out gas you need!

"Next we have Taylor James Stark-Jones! She's the daughter of the famous billionaire Tony Stark who he only just meet and found out about 3 months ago! Blame it on Nick Fury I say! Now Taylor here can teleport any weapon she has ever touched before right into her hands! Now only that! but she is slowly being trained by Professor Xavier of the X-men on how to project peoples fears and wishes into reality! Doesn't that make you somewhat jealous fooks!" Syd continued, "SO LETS CHOOSE THEIR NAMES!"

Pym admitity raised his hand.

"Alright! The little black haired dude in yellow!" syd called out pointing to Pym.

Pym stood before specking, "Hi I'm Pym, aka Hornet and I propose the name Dust for Jillian and the name Sword for Taylor."

Now the game show was set in a way that if you didn't like the name you could press a red button in front of you which meant you didn't like the name. I did this with Pyms proposel.

"OH! That's got to hurt! Taylor has rejected the name Sword!" Syd remarked, "But it seems as if Howlet here likes her name suggestion! It goes up on the board!"

It turned out that if you liked a name the name would be writen up on a white board to be brought back later.

Tess raised her hand up next.

"You! The blonde haired one in the blue Captain America Shirt! What's your suggestion?!"

Tess smiled a little before standing up, "I think Jill should be called Fumes and Taylor Revolver."

Neither Jill or I hit our buttons.

The game continued like this with the Names Amunistion, and Powder going up on the board which were suggested by Dustin but I threw out Amunistion. Finally it was James's turn.

"I say Arma for Taylor and Particale for Jill."

Jill hit her button, I did not.

"Alright! We have the names Dust and Powder going up for Jillian and Arma, and Revolver for Taylor! Now ladies which name are you going to choose!?" Syd spoke into the make shift microphone.

Jill went first.

"I'm going to go with Powder!" Jill responced.

Dustin fist pumped, "YES! Finally!"

"And I'm going with Arma." I spoke up.

James fist pumped too, "Ya Baby!"

Everyone chuckled at the two boys as they did celebratory dances and t-bows.


Third Person...

Somewhere outside the city of New york of to the subarbs to a place called Wenchester trouble was brewing at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters.

It was late in the night, around 1 in the morning on a saturday, which mean't that most of the students were asleep except for the few that were chitchatting, texting, reading, or use playing on a computer or phone. when the insident happened no one was in the halls or hangout rooms due to curfew.They should have been greatful for that.

It was exactly 1:09 am when the first one went off. Knock out gas filled the halls of the student corrders, seeping under the doors that lined the hallways, knocking out the students who were still awake.

The second one went off at 1:32 am. Now this one was a real bomb. And It blew up right in the main hangout room.

A little less then 1/3 of the students were awoken by this. And before they even had time to prosuses what had happened when the second (real) bomb went off. This bomb was a series of bombs which lined the hallways of the school and the supporting beams.

In an instant. Half the school was rubble. the teenage students trapped under the rock and dirt. Since the Teacher's area hadn't been gased all the teachers julted awake at the first explosive bomb.

Wolverine jumped out of his bed as he ran out of his room which was on the second level of the school. He was running towards the blast area when the second explosion happened. Wolverine was thrown off his feet into the wall on his right side. But he was up in an instant.

He kept running only to stop when the floor of the lined hallway stop and gave away into what was suppose to be covering the first floor underneath. But there was no covering. There was no first floor. Wolverine was standing on the end of the hallway, looking down of black charred rubble.

He could see a hand sticking out from under some of the rubble and he could see the students who had healing abitlites and inhanced strength helping to get other students out from under the rubble. He could see the kids calling for their roommates. And the healers trying to heal the wounded, but these were just kids. They had no experience at tragidies like this. They just had the training room as experience under their belts.

"Logan!" yelled Storm as she flew down to hall only to freeze at the sight before her, "No."

Logan didn't repond... he only let his claws out, hearing the satisfing sound of SKINT! before jumping down into the scene to help.

Storm did the same.

Logan cut through rocks trying to get oxygen to the students who were buried to beep and without air. Storm did the same comanding the wind to lift rocks away.

Non of the mutants knew at at that moment the alarm back in Avengers Tower went off in only one room.

Wanda, AKA Scarlet Witch jolted awake suddenly at the sound of the alarm, "JARVIS! What happened?!"

"Ms. Maximoff it seems that there's been attack on the Xavier school." JARVIS replied informing Wanda.

Wanda froze at the sound of this, "Riley..." she spoke softly.

Hey guys!!! How are you!? I'm fantastic! I'm at a science Olympiad competition right now and taking a study brake so I thought I would post! Hope u enjoyed the chapter!

Also!!! Be welcome to ask me questions in the comments! I'll do a q/a at the end of each chapter!

Q/A: what is my favorite avenger?
A: Scarlet witch, wasp, or captain marvel (Carol Danvers)

Also shout out to my girlblackwidow1919thanks for being so supportive!

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