Silly and Breathtaking

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Connor was excited. Troye was in LA, he had flown in yesterday, and they were gonna spend the whole day together. Connor already had a full day planned out for the pair of them. He had told Troye that they could just stay in his apartment and watch netflix, but the other boy had insisted they go out so that he could make the most of his time in America. There was a knock on the door, and Connor took a deep breath before rushing over to open it.

"Troye! Hey, it's so great to see you!" 

"Connor, I missed you so so much!" the two boys hugged, probably for longer than what was deemed normal, but neither of them mentioned it. Connor just enjoyed breathing in Troye's scent, feeling his cool skin against his warmth, and how at ease they were together. He couldn't help but dream that one day this hug would mean more than "hey, nice to see you".

"So, are you ready to go?" Connor asked Troye, almost nervously. He'd only just realised the day out he had planned almost seemed like a date, and now he was even more nervous than he was beforehand. 

"Yeah sure, I'm excited to spend the day with you, Con" Troye held a shy smile while he said that, and it made Connor's insides flutter.

The two boys walked to Connor's car, and the older one started driving. He drove into town, towards the shopping centre. The idea was that they could pick out the most ridiculous outfits for each other to try on; and whoever made the other look the most stupid won. It was just a silly game, and Connor thought they could have quite a bit of fun with it.

And sure enough, they did have fun. Troye and Connor were in hysterics each time one of them walked out of the dressing room, wearing the most hideous clothes. Troye certainly won the game - he had made Connor wear the shortest pair of khakis in existence, with knee high golf socks, a puffy pirate-style shirt, and a pink woollen cardigan. Not to mention the Harry Potter spectacles and green shoes that he was pretty sure were made for women totally didn't suit him. He looked like such a dork, and Troye nearly pissed himself with laughter.

They decided it was probably time to move on to the other thing Connor had planned out for them, and while Troye was getting changed back into his own clothes, the other boy couldn't help but sneak glances at him. His body was beautiful, but nowhere near as beautiful as his face.. Connor shook his head to try and rid his mind of those thoughts. He couldn't think of his best friend in that way, what if he rejected him? What if he was disgusted by him? What if it ruined the friendship they had?

Connor had no more time to think, as Troye grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the almost empty store. The pair headed back to the car, and they travelled through the neighbourhood until they reached the empty, drawn out streets. That's when Connor stopped driving. He led them across a dry field, to where a little bench was placed underneath a weeping willow tree.

"Holy shit Connor," Troye breathed, looking around in awe. "This is so fucking beautiful"

Connor resisted the urge to reply with "beautiful, like your face", and just smiled. He reached into the basket set on the table, and took out plates and cups. Troye looked into the basket himself, and pulled out all the food that Connor had prepared. There were various sandwiches and cakes, obviously not the fanciest food, but it tasted pretty damn fine.

"Connor, thank you so much for all of this" Troye leaned forward. "Honestly, it must have taken a while to find this place and to set it all up. This is so amazing like just thank you"

"Anything for you, Troye boy" Connor said with a smirk, but inside he was fangirling over how cute the boy in front of him was. Everything about him was adorable, yet extremely hot, whether it was his Aussie accent, his curly, flat hair, or his perfect face. 

"Can I admit something to you?"

"Sure" Connor's heart started pounding really quickly, and the palms of his hands became sweaty.

"To me, this kinda seems like a date." Troye looked at Connor, unsure whether to continue. He decided to go for it anyway. "So I feel like it's the perfect opportunity to say, I really like you Connor. I really like everything about you. I really like your laugh and the way it makes everybody smile, I really love your quiff, but I also think that flat hair is hella fine. I really like the way you try so hard to make everybody happy, and I really like the fact you put this much effort into today, just for me. I guess what I'm trying to say Connor, is I think I'm in love with you."

Connor had no words. All he could do was stare at the blushing boy in front of him, and try to comprehend that they felt the same way towards each other. Surely this would be the start of something between them. Or maybe it wouldn't. Who knew? The only thing Connor knew right then was that he was living in that moment, and he never wanted it to end.

"Connor?" Troye's voice brought him back into reality.

"I think I'm in love with you too"


Hey! I'm sorry this isn't very good, but I haven't wrote in ages so hey. If you liked it, please let me know so that I have inspiration to write more tru, and yeah thanks for reading & all that crap

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2015 ⏰

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